What key factors led to the American victory at Saratoga


Answer 1
Answer: The Americans won the Battle of Saratoga due to a few factors. In the British army, General John Burgoyne was coming down into Albany from Canada with his troops, while Sir William Howe was supposed to be coming north from New Jersey and New York City. They were going to surround and defeat the Americans. However, instead of going to Albany, Howe attacked Philadelphia. At the same time, Burgoyne's supply line to Canada was becoming less reliable. This lack of both man power and supplies on the British side helped the Americans win the Battle of Saratoga.
Answer 2

It ended the British threat and convinced Europeans that the Americans had a chance of winning the war.  

Further Explanation:

The Battles of Saratoga was fought for eighteen days apart in the fall of 1777 and this battle was known to be the turning point of the American Revolution. It was on September 19 when a British General John Burgoyne got a small but an important victory against American forces led by Horatio Gates. Though, after this attack, the strength of his troops was weakened but he again decided to attack Americans who were at Bemis and this attack took place on October 7, but this time Americans were ready and they defeated troops of Burgoyne and that forced him to retreat back.  

Post that he surrendered after 10 days of American’s Victory and that was the reason which convinced the French Government to recognize the colonists' cause and entered the war as the ally of the United States. When the revolutionary war of America was approaching two-year point, The British suddenly changed their plans and decided to isolate new England from Southern colonies.  

Learn More:

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Answer Details:

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Battle of Saratoga

Keywords –

Saratoga, Battle,  1777, Mohawk river, American Revolution, Horatio Gates, Burgoyne, French Government, England, British Colonies.  

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conduct a warrantless searches and seizures
















