What instrument did Gloria Estefan teach herself to play when she was 12?


Answer 1


The instrument was the guitar.


Gloria Estefan is a Cuban-American singer born in September 1st, 1957. She was born in Havana, but moved to the U.S., where she began her career as a singer with the band Miami Latin Boys. At the age of 12, Gloria taught herself to play the guitar. Back then, it was the only source of comfort she had. She was very young and had to take care of her invalid father, so the guitar was her companion.

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This is reading misplaced modifiers if your good at this help me quick
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What do we usually use to modify a predicate?


An adverb is what is used to modify a verb.  For example, the girlquickly ran.  Ran is the predicate, quickly describes how she ran. Prepositional phrases also modify predicates.  For example, Over thetree, he hopped.  The predicate is hopped, and over the tree is theadverb as it describes where he hopped.

What is the perspective of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter?A. Federal law should create guidelines for equal pay.
B. Women should not be paid as much as men.
C. More should be done to create equality in pay.
D. Women and men should be paid the same.


Women and men should be paid the same is the perspective of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter. the correct option is D.

What is feminism?

Feminism is a social and political movement that advocates for gender equality and aims to end discrimination, oppression, and the patriarchal structures that perpetuate gender inequality.

Feminism seeks to promote the rights of all individuals regardless of their gender, and to create a world where everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources.

At its core, feminism seeks to address issues such as the wage gap, unequal access to education and job opportunities, gender-based violence, and reproductive rights.

Feminism acknowledges that gender inequality is not only a problem for women, but for people of all genders, and seeks to create a more equitable society for everyone.

Feminism can take many different forms and be expressed in a variety of ways, from political activism to academic research, art, and literature.

thus the correct option is D.

Learn more about Feminism here :



Answer:women shouldn’t make as much as men


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B.)They often idealize country life while denouncing the city as corrupt and insignificant.

I know it has to be one of these two.


Out of your options, A) makes the most sense.
Early allegories focused more on the metaphorical plot design, and characters were simply tools to communicate symbolism.
If you use the process of elimination, you'd see that within A & B that the answer B does make the most sense. 

Hope this helps, have a wonderful day. <3

You can get a hot chocolate……………. a cafe.






You can get a hot chocolate at a cafe.

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The crisis of "The Yellow Wallpaper" is _____.the point at which the narrator completely identifies herself with the woman trapped in the wallpaper
the point at which the narrator begins to keep a journal, hiding it from her husband
the point at which the narrator introduces the yellow wallpaper to the reader
seen only from the outside


The correct answer is A. The point at which the narrator completely identifies herself with the woman trapped in the wallpaper


"The Yellow Wallpaper" is a short story that describes the experience of a woman as she is isolated by her husband at an old house as her husband considers she is suffering from depression or a hysterical tendency. During this process, the woman becomes obsessed with the yellow wallpaper in her room.

Indeed, as days pass the woman begins to believe there is a woman behind the wallpaper and at the end of the story when her internal conflict reaches the peak she believes this woman in the wallpaper is herself. This causes the woman to destroy the wallpaper and finally lost her mind completely. This means in this story, the crisis/ climax or higher point in the story is "The point at which the narrator completely identifies herself with the woman trapped in the wallpaper" as this causes the main character to lost her mind.




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