Describe how France established territorial claims in North America. Include these terms in youranswer. Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Robert La Salle.


Answer 1

Final answer:

France established territorial claims in North America through exploration and fur trade, initiated by Jacques Cartier who claimed the Gaspe Peninsula. Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec, and Robert La Salle claimed the Mississippi River Valley, naming it Louisiana.


France established territorial claims in North America primarily through exploration and fur trade. Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, and Robert La Salle were all instrumental in this process. In 1534, Jacques Cartier claimed the Gaspe Peninsula for France, marking the beginning of France's territorial claims. Later, Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608, providing a significant foothold for France in North America. Robert La Salle, within decades, explored the Mississippi River to its mouth, claiming the entire Mississippi River Valley for France in 1683 and naming it Louisiana after Louis XIV. These individuals and their actions helped cement France's territorial claims in North America.

Learn more about France's territorial claims in North America


Answer 2


France established claims in North America by sending explorers. Jacques Cartier was simply sent to explore the Atlantic ocean when he claimed New France, Samuel de Champlain founded the first settlement in New France, and Robert da La Salle explored the Mississippi River and claimed it by planting a french flag in the mouth of the river.



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