Which group most likely supported Hussein in his rebellion? Why?


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further historic references, we can comment on the following.

It seems that we are talking about the Great Arab Revolt that started in June 1916 and ended until June 1918, during the actions of World War I.

The group that most likely supported Hussein in his rebellion were the Hashemites, with the support of the British troops.

The Arab troops fought the Ottoman Empire's troops. The Arabs had the support of Great Britain. That is why the Arabs tried to create a free unified state, from Yemen to Syria. At least that was what the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali.

Answer 2

The Great Arab Revolt led by Hussein bin Ali was supported by a broad coalition of Arab nationalists, tribal leaders, and various segments of Arab society who shared a desire for independence and the opportunity to shape their own political destiny free from Ottoman rule.

The group that most likely supported Hussein bin Ali in his rebellion during the Great Arab Revolt were the Arab nationalists and tribal leaders of the Arabian Peninsula. Several factors contributed to their support for Hussein's rebellion:

  • Anti-Ottoman Sentiment: Many Arabs harbored deep-seated grievances against the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled over various Arab lands for centuries. Ottoman rule was often characterized by heavy taxation, conscription, and political marginalization of local Arab leaders. These grievances fueled a desire for greater autonomy and independence.
  • Arab Nationalism: Arab nationalism was on the rise during this period, driven by a sense of Arab cultural identity and a desire for self-determination. Prominent Arab intellectuals and leaders, including Hussein bin Ali, espoused nationalist ideals that emphasized Arab unity and self-rule.
  • Promises of Independence: Hussein bin Ali received assurances from the British government, particularly through correspondence with Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, that if he led the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, the British would support Arab independence in the Arabian Peninsula and other Arab lands. These promises provided a powerful incentive for Arableaders to join the revolt.
  • Tribal Support: Hussein bin Ali was a respected tribal leader himself, belonging to the Hashemite clan. He was able to garner support from other tribal leaders who saw the opportunity to assert greater control over their territories and communities under his leadership.
  • Religious Significance: Hussein's lineage traced back to the Prophet Muhammad, making him a figure of significant religious and cultural importance in the region. This lineage added legitimacy to his leadership and the rebellion in the eyes of many Arabs.

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In the early 1920s, Lenin established the New Economic Policy, whichinstituted communist reforms and gave the economy a boost.
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Lenin was said to have established the New Economic Policy, which reversed earlier changes and gave the economy a boost.

Why did Lenin introduce the New Economic Policy?

In the year 1921, there was said to be a kind of unrest that has taken place in an insurrection in the Kronstadt naval base.

At this time in 1921, Lenin was said to have introduced the NEP so as to bring to life the economy. The new program is one that connote a return to a limited capitalist system.

learn more about New Economic Policy from


Hey! The answer is C


Vladimir Lenin in 1921, introduced a New Economy Policy for Soviet Russia. This New Economy outlined a more market-determined financial policy, to boost the economy of Russia.

The economy of Russia suffered firmly since 1914. The Soviet officials partially reversed the complete nationalization of industries, which were founded during the Communism war period (1918 to 1921). Lenin and proposed a system of mixed economics which permitted private individuals to own small businesses, whereas, the control of banks, large industries, and foreign trade was in the hand of the government.

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The answer to the given question above would be the second option. How the Age of Enlightenment affected the French Revolution is that, Philosophers brought to light inequalities and the need for reform. Hope this answers your question. Have a great day ahead!

The answer is: Philosophers brought to light inequalities and the need for reform

The age of the enlightenment promoted the idea that the highest power in the government should be held by the people (which is also known as democracy).

This make people in French realize the inequalities that caused by the nobles. To eliminate the equality, they forcefully taken out the King who symbolize the monarchy system and replace their government system with democracy.

When FDR developed polio, he retired to the life of a wealthy invalid.A.True



The sentence is false.  

In August 1921, while the Roosevelt family was on vacation in Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Franklin became ill with polio, a viral infection of the nerve fibers of the spine, which he probably contracted by swimming in the standing water of a nearby lake. The result was that Roosevelt was totally and permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Initially, the muscles of his abdomen and the lower part of his back were also affected, but later recovered. In this way, he could get up and, with the help of crutches, stand up, but he could not walk.

As a result of the illness, Roosevelt departed from the public scene for a time. The great majority of the epigones of the American policy assumed that the shining heir of the Roosevelt dynasty would never return to politics.

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B. False
After President Roosevelt contracted polio, he learned to walk with leg braces and entered politics, becoming governor of New York and later President of the United States.