The revolution grew more violent mainly because radicals reacted to the National Assembly falling apart. prices rising to an all-time high. rumors of foreign intervention to end the revolution. prisoners running rampant after release.


Answer 1


C: rumors of foreign intervention to end the revolution.


I just took the test :D

Answer 2

Final answer:

The revolution became increasingly violent because of the radicals' response to the unstable National Assembly, soaring prices, rumors of foreign invasion to suppress the revolution, and the release of prisoners.


The increased violence in the revolution was primarily due to the reaction of radicals to different situations. One of the major factors was the growing instability of the National Assembly, which stirred more radical actions. Additionally, the soaring of prices to an unprecedented high exacerbated the social tension, leading to upheavals. Additionally, rumors of foreign intervention to snuff out the revolution bred paranoia and hostility, which in turn promoted violence. Furthermore, the release of prisoners, who could potentially infuse chaos and violence into society, also played a role.

Learn more about Violence in Revolution here:


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Timeline: Key Turning Points The Ohio Company grant (1748), the formation of the Susquehanna Company (1749), land conflict along New York and New England border (1760s), and the | defeat of the North Carolina Regulators (1771). How do these events reveal tensions over the question of who would control the development of frontier lands in Britain's mainland North American colonies? What were the effects of these conflicts on Native American populations?


Answer: The events mentioned in the question reveal tensions over the control of frontier lands in Britain's mainland North American colonies. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. The Ohio Company grant (1748): This event involved a land grant given to a group of British investors, known as the Ohio Company. The grant allowed them to settle and develop lands in the Ohio River Valley, which was a highly desirable area due to its fertile soil and access to trade routes.

2. The formation of the Susquehanna Company (1749): This event refers to the establishment of another land company, the Susquehanna Company. They also sought to settle and develop lands, specifically in the Susquehanna River Valley, which was also a valuable area.

3. Land conflict along New York and New England border (1760s): During this period, there were disputes between the colonies of New York and New England over the ownership of lands in the border region. Both colonies claimed the territory, leading to tensions and conflicts over control.

4. Defeat of the North Carolina Regulators (1771): The North Carolina Regulators were a group of colonists who opposed corrupt practices and unfair taxes imposed by local officials. However, their rebellion was suppressed by the colonial government, resulting in their defeat.

These events highlight the competition and conflicts between various groups and colonies seeking to control and develop frontier lands. The British mainland North American colonies were expanding westward, and these conflicts emerged as different parties vied for access to valuable resources and trade routes.

Regarding the effects on Native American populations, it's important to note that the expansion and settlement of these frontier lands often resulted in displacement and conflicts with Native American tribes. Native Americans were pushed off their ancestral lands as the British colonies sought to claim and develop new territories. This led to increased tensions, violence, and ultimately the displacement of many Native American communities.

The effects on Native American populations were detrimental, as they lost their lands, resources, and way of life due to the encroachment of European settlers. Many tribes were forcibly removed or experienced significant disruptions to their societies and cultures as a result of these conflicts and the subsequent colonization of the frontier lands.

In summary, these events reflect the tensions and struggles over control of frontier lands in Britain's mainland North American colonies. They also demonstrate the negative impact on Native American populations, who faced displacement and conflict as a result of the colonial expansion and settlement.


1. What do you notice about the relationships between the measures of vertical answers?Use complete sentences

2. What do you notice about the relationship between the measures of linear pair angles use complete sentences
Answer ASAP


Answer: I don’t know
