How is environmental determinism racism


Answer 1


Environmental determinism has been widely criticized as a tool to legitimize colonialism, racism, and imperialism in Africa, North America, South America, and Asia. Environmental determinism enabled geographers to scientifically justify the supremacy of white European races and the naturalness of imperialism.



Answer 2
Answer: They’ve been criticized

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The right answer is actually "Subsequent eras of history follow one another precisely with little overlaps of trends". Have a good day!

The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "The Medieval period spans the longest time in human history."  Subsequent eras of history follow one another precisely with little overlap of trends is that The Medieval period spans the longest time in human history.

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he's wrong its c


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d. Latin America.


During President Reagan's second term in office, the United States improved their relationship with Russia. His vice president was George Bush.

Best answer:


(Technically it would be the Soviet Union)

Further detail:

US President Ronald Reagan had begun his presidency in 1981 by calling the Soviet Union the "evil empire" and proposing major new defense initiatives to challenge the USSR.  But in Reagan's second term, his rhetoric softened and he developed a personal relationship with Soviet premier over the course of several summit meetings.   In 1987, they worked out together and signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty, a significant step toward arms control and reducing tensions between the two powers.