Its A Dynamic Web Page
B)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and one OR gate.
C)-Two OR gates, four AND gates, and one Inverter.
D)-Two Inverters, four OR gates, and one AND gate.
E)-Two Inverters, four AND gates, and no OR gates.
A decoder is a circuit which has n inputs and 2n outputs, and outputs 1 on the wire corresponding to the binary number represented by the inputs. For example, a 2-4 decoder might be drawn like this:
and its truth table (again, really four truth tables, one for each output) is:
i1 i0 d3 d2 d1 d0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
The following circuit generates all four minterms from two inputs, and implements the 2-4 decoder.
11. According to the unit, which of the following is an important first step in any creative endeavor? (1 point)
delegating tasks
sending emails
calc_average - this function should accept 8 test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores per student
determine_grade - this function should accept a test score average as an argument and return a letter grade for the score based on the following grading scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F
In this exercise we have to use the computer language knowledge in python to write the code as:
the code is in the attached image.
In a more easy way we have that the code will be:
def calc_average(name):
score = []
sum = 0
for j in range(8):
inp = int(input("Test Score"+str(j+1)+": "))
sum = sum + inp
if inp>=90 and inp<=100:
elif inp>=80 and inp<90:
elif inp>=70 and inp<80:
elif inp>=60 and inp<70:
avg = sum/8
print("Result Details of "+name)
print("Average Score: "+str(avg))
return avg
def determine_grade(result):
if float(result) >= 90.0 and float(result) <= 100.0:
print("Letter Grade: A")
elif float(result) >= 80.0 and float(result) <90.0:
print("Letter Grade: B")
elif float(result) >= 70.0 and float(result) < 80.0:
print("Letter Grade: C")
elif float(result) >= 60.0 and float(result) < 70.0:
print("Letter Grade: D")
print("Letter Grade: F")
print(" ")
for i in range(2):
name = input("Student Name: ")
result = calc_average(name)
See more about python at
The program doesn't make use of comments (See Explanation)
Also the source code is attached as image to enable you see the proper format and indexing of the source code
The program using python is as follows
def calc_average(name):
score = []
sum = 0
for j in range(8):
inp = int(input("Test Score"+str(j+1)+": "))
sum = sum + inp
if inp>=90 and inp<=100:
elif inp>=80 and inp<90:
elif inp>=70 and inp<80:
elif inp>=60 and inp<70:
avg = sum/8
print("Result Details of "+name)
print("Average Score: "+str(avg))
return avg
def determine_grade(result):
if float(result) >= 90.0 and float(result) <= 100.0:
print("Letter Grade: A")
elif float(result) >= 80.0 and float(result) <90.0:
print("Letter Grade: B")
elif float(result) >= 70.0 and float(result) < 80.0:
print("Letter Grade: C")
elif float(result) >= 60.0 and float(result) < 70.0:
print("Letter Grade: D")
print("Letter Grade: F")
print(" ")
for i in range(2):
name = input("Student Name: ")
result = calc_average(name)
def calc_average(name): -> Declares the function calc_average(name); It accepts local variable name from the main function
score = []
-> Initialize an empty list to hold test scores
sum = 0
-> Initialize sum of scores to 0
for j in range(8):
-> Iterate from test score 1 to 8
inp = int(input("Test Score"+str(j+1)+": "))
-> This line accepts test score from the user
-> The user input is then saved in a lisy
sum = sum + inp
-> Add test scores
The following lines determine the letter grade of each test score
if inp>=90 and inp<=100:
avg = sum/8 -> Calculate average of the test score
The next two lines prints the name and average test score of the student
print("Result Details of "+name)
print("Average Score: "+str(avg))
return avg
-> This line returns average to the main method
The following is the determine_grade method; it takes it parameter from the main method and it determines the letter grade depending on the calculated average
def determine_grade(result):
if float(result) >= 90.0 and float(result) <= 100.0:
print("Letter Grade: A")
elif float(result) >= 80.0 and float(result) <90.0:
print("Letter Grade: B")
elif float(result) >= 70.0 and float(result) < 80.0:
print("Letter Grade: C")
elif float(result) >= 60.0 and float(result) < 70.0:
print("Letter Grade: D")
print("Letter Grade: F")
print(" ")
for i in range(2):
-> This is the main method
name = input("Student Name: ") -> A local variable stores name of the student
result = calc_average(name) -> store average of scores in variable results
determine_grade(result)-> Call the determine_grade function
public int RandNum();
* Assuming it returns an integer
I believe you mean to write the function header of randNum.
To write the header of the function, we need to specify its return type, name, parenthesis and parameters inside the parenthesis - if exist.
If it returns an integer it should have int, if it returns a double it should have double in the header. In the answer, I assumed it returns an integer.
The name is already given, RandNum
Since, the function does not take any parameter, inside of the parenthesis will be empty.
Well, I am studying software engineering and ethical hacking, with the terms I mentioned it is very self explanatory how I use computers for those fields. In case it is still not self explanatory, we use computers to make software and websites accessing tools that can only be access using a computer and a working internet connection is required. Ethical hacking requires a computer to test the website or application security in order to do that we need a active internet connection in order to access the website itself.
i dont really know i am not really sure what i qill be in the future