Answer:were all hydraulic empires that maintained power and control through exclusive control over access to water
Early river civilizations were all hydraulic empires that maintained power and control through exclusive control over access to water. This system of government arose through the need for flood control and irrigation, which requires central coordination and a specialized bureaucracy.
It was the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Act that was supposed to help disadvantaged students but it was criticized by the left, right and center and was later modified to the Every Student Succeeds Act and was transferred to the states. It was criticized due to lack a national achievement standard so the states were left to make their own standards.
Summarize President George W. Bush's initiatives while in office . appeal to those who felt that the Clinton administration's initiatives in the Balkans and Africa .NCLB expanded the federal role in public education through annual testing, annual . The act requires states to provide “highly qualified” teachers to all students.
hope this helped
B: Czechoslovakia
C: Ethiopia
D: Manchuria
D. He believe that Great Britain and France would choose not to respond to his actions