How to say cuarenta y dos in number form


Answer 1


Cuarenta y dos in number form is 42.

(forty two)

Answer 2
Answer: 42 because currents is 40 plus dos is 2

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¿Qué hacía tu mamá o papá cuando él o ella tenía cinco años? Please do not answer improperly!


I have 2 answers: 
1. Como ellos no tenian tecnologia en esa epoca, ellos podian jugar con juegos de mesa. Tambien ellos podian ir a la escuela para aprender. (Since they didn't have sorts of technology, they could play with board games. Also tey can go to school to learn)
2. (If you are asking for a translation) ¿Qué hacía tu mamá o papá cuando él o ella tenía cinco años? = What did your mom or dad do when he or she was five years?

Hope this is helpful 

Eran muy poco, y sólo el aprendizaje escolar. 

1. The infinitive in English is expressed by writing the word noun before a verb. In Spanish the infinitive is expressed by the verb endings ar , er , and ir.2 In order to say that something doesn’t happen (making a negative sentence) in Spanish, use the word noun before the verb.
3 Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone who likes something. Use the word ______________________________ to agree with someone who dislikes something.
4 If you do not like either of two choices, use the word ____________________


1. This is true. "Infinitive" simply indicates a verb that hasn't been conjugated. For example, "to walk" is an infinitive verb, while "I walk" is conjugated. To denote the infinitive in English, the word that comes before the verb is "to." On the other hand, the infinitive is indicated in Spanish by the endings, because Spanish verbs are conjugated according to their endings: "Caminar" means to walk (infinitive), but "Yo camino" is I walk. 2. This is true. To negate something in Spanish, you will most often put the word "no" before the verb: "Yo camino" then becomes "Yo no camino" (I don't walk). 3. To agree with someone who likes something, you will use the word "también." To agree with someone who dislikes something, you will use the word "tampoco." The best way to think of these words is también as "me too" and tampoco as "me neither." 4. If you don't want to use either of these words, you can simply say "de acuerdo," which means I agree.

The infinitive in English is expressed by adding the word "to" before a verb. In Spanish, the infinitive is expressed by the verb endings -ar, -er, and -ir.

How are the infinitives expressed in English and Spanish?

In English, the infinitive is formed by adding the word "to" before a verb, such as "to go" or "to eat." This structure indicates the base form of the verb and is used in various sentence constructions.

In Spanish, the infinitive is formed by using the verb endings -ar, -er, and -ir, such as "hablar" (to speak), "comer" (to eat), or "vivir" (to live). These verb endings indicate the infinitive form and are essential in Spanish sentence structures.

Read more about infinitive verb


Yo _______ la ropa antes de ir a la escuela.A.
te pones

se pone

se ponen

me pongo


It is d I am Hispanic I can help with Spanish

1. Yo _ alta, morena e inteligente.A. es
B. soy
C. eres
D. son

2. No me siento bien, creo que _ enfermo.
A. estar
B. está
C. estamos
D. estoy

3. Mis amigos _ intersantes.
A. son
B. es
C. somos
D. soy

4. Elena, ¿cuándo _ tú del trabajo?
A. regresan
B. regresa
C. regresas
D. regreso


1. (A) es
2.(D) estoy
1 es B
2 es D
3 es A
4 es C

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Maria and samuel are very
Maria and samuel are very

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C. vivimos



vivimos, I think