The human genome has _____ chromosomes, and _____ homologous ​


Answer 1
Answer: 46 chromosomes , 23 homologous pairs

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Explain how a species can evolve through natural selection.


Different members of a species may have different traits, and some will be better than others in helping the organism survive. Basically, the traits that help one survive will let it live on to pass that trait to its offspring, but the organisms with traits that make life harder or possible will not live to be passed on.
So with natural selection, NATURe SELECTs the best-fit organisms of a species to live. Over time as the bad traits die off and the good ones prosper, that's them evolving

So in an enviroment the ones with a better adaptations will survive and pass on thier traits to the next generation. If a group of rabits have smaller feet and hop faster than other jack rabbits, then they will survive when chased by predators, and pass on thier traits, while others would get eaten. Over time the generations would have more rabbits with small feet and faster speeds until all rabbits have that trait.  

Which of the following statements is true?Weathering and erosion are the same process.
Coarse, infertile soil is usually found near the base of a mountain.
Rocks formed at low temperatures weather more quickly than rocks formed at high temperatures.
Weathering is the movement of sediment from one location to another.


Correct answer: B). Coarse, infertile soil is usually found near the base of a mountain.

The course, infertile soil is normally found near the base of the mountains. It provides stable bases for the high mountain. It helps to keep the ground firm and it would take a longer time to erode and evolve. These soil are a type of loamy soil. The nature of erosion can affect the composition and structure of these type of soil. Rest all other options are false.

Hence, the correct answer would be option B

the true statement is that coarse, fertile soil is found near the base of a mountain

What do antibodies bind together


Antibodies recognize foreign invading microorganisms by specifically binding to a pathogen's proteins or antigens, facilitating their neutralization and destruction. Antigens are classically defined as any foreign substance that elicits an immune response.




it recognize foreign substances such as bacteria

Whats the definition of a seed I don't have a dictionary


An embryonic plant covered by a hard outer shell!
The unit of reproduction of a flowering plant, which can develop into another such plant.

The Calvin cycle includesA. The light-dependent reactions
B. An electron transport chain
C. The light-independent reactions
D. Photosynthesis



C. The light-independent reactions


Photosynthesis consists of two phases: light dependent phase and light independent phase.

a) The light dependent phase of photosynthesis includes photolysis of water, release of oxygen and synthesis of ATP and NADPH.

b) Light independent phase of the photosynthesis includes chemical pathway to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide into glucose. Since this chemical pathway was first discovered by Calvin, it is called as Calvin cycle.