Where did the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian live ?


Answer 1


It is not clear why the Adena declined, but they were absorbed by a second group of Moundbuilders, the Hopewell. The Hopewell came from central Ohio. At their height, their culture spread from western New York to Missouri, Wisconsin to Mississippi. Like the Adena, they lived along the river systems and built mounds


Answer 2


Ohio Valley

Terms in this set (18) Mostly lived in the Ohio Valley region around 700 BC; were most remembered for their elaborate burial mounds and agriculture. Arrived in the Ohio Valley region around 300 BC, and began building mounds as well.


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The main way in which Clause 39 of the Magna Carta was influential to the American Revolution was that it places limits on the power of the king, especially with regard to the King's ability to arrest people--meaning that the Founding Fathers drew on this as inspiration to show that they too had power. 


Clause 39 was influential to the American Revolution because it outlined the individual rights of citizens. The early colonists considered themselves to be English, so they believed that they also were accorded these rights, which we now call “due process.” In the list of grievances section of the Declaration of Independence, the colonists mentioned instances where the judicial rights outlined in clause 39 were ignored. By insisting on including the rights of individuals, the Founding Fathers made the Magna Carta, and especially clause 39, an important ideal in the American Revolution.


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The Louisiana Purchase most went against Thomas Jefferson's constitutional principle of "limited government," since he was worried such a large purchase would be outside of his power as president. 

Where did most late twentieth- and early twenty-first century immigrants settle when they entered the united states?


In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, most Immigrants settled  along the coastlines and borders when they entered the United States. Others went to the midwest.

Between 1820 and 1860, the Irish account for an estimated one-third of all immigrants to the United States. About 5 million German immigrants also arrived in the U.S., several of them going to the Midwest to purchase farms or settle in cities.

Many of newcomers settled in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Charleston.


In Port  and other coastal cities.


Most of the inmingrants arrived to United States looking for better opportinites as Europe, generally speaking, was not having its best time. Most of the inmigration was made via ships, therefore many of the inmigrants remained near ports and coastal areas. Cities with large numbers of  immigrants on that time were Boston, Philadelphia, and New York, as well as Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in the 1700s?



Because their were lots of innovations happening, and that had given the idea for people to make huge factories


It was a time when manufacturing goods had started to move from smaller things like shops, to huge factories, it changed a lot in culture, and also the way the cities looked, people started to move over more to urban areas, so they could get a job and work in those factories

What was one negative effect of the end of communism in Czechoslovakia.


This can be disputed, but one effect that can be argued to be negative is the dissolution of the country: it split up into two smaller countries, Czechia and Slovakia. This split has has some negative economic impact on them and created some problems for the Roma population, some of them remained stateless.

Who killed Reconstruction North or South , Help PLEAEEEEEEEEEE



The South was ultimately more responsible for killing Reconstruction than the North. Southern white supremacists used violence, intimidation, and fraud to overthrow the Reconstruction governments and restore white supremacy to the South.


the South kill Reconstruction


This loss of interest from the North allowed to the South to easily keep opposing Reconstruction, and finally, killing it. Their disagreement about equal rights, violence, and loss of interest all helped the South kill Reconstruction. This made it more difficult for blacks to find freedom within the nation.