What is उपसर्ग?????????


Answer 1


संस्कृत एवं संस्कृत से उत्पन्न भाषाओं में उस अव्यय या शब्द को उपसर्ग कहते हैं जो कुछ शब्दों के आरंभ में लगकर उनके अर्थों का विस्तार करता अथवा उनमें कोई विशेषता उत्पन्न करता है। in english उपसर्ग is prefix.

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Answer 2


 i will write in english ok

shabda ko aagadi jodine vashik ekai lai उपसर्ग vaninxa

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D) It can cause compromises is the answer to the question above 

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b. In other words, the quality of a student’s teacher is the best predictor of student success.
c. Students need good teachers.
d. Teachers and students should work together.


B is the correct answer. Answer B restates the idea that teachers are important for students’ success by using different words to convey the same idea.




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he is experiencing negative self talk. he is talking bad about himself . or feeling unworthy. he is not feeling negative attidute talk. this is because he is not talking about his attidute .






Which type of question are you asking if your eyebrows are up, your eyes are wide, you head tilts a bit forward, and you hold the last sign a little longer until the other person starts to answer?a. WHquestion
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B. Yes or No question

entire lesson:

1. A; Are you going to the movies tomorrow?

2. D; Where is the restroom?

3. B; Guy has two hands in a fist switching up and down

4. B; Yes or No question

5. A; WH- question

100% correct, just here to help!