Which native group probably ate mammoth burgers


Answer 1

Answer: I-

Explanation: wth

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Which of the following terms best describes a government in which all members of a society are allowed to vote and hold office?a. universal suffrage b. theocracy c. Sharia law d. dictatorship
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Which is evidence that scientists use to support the big bang theory?a. There is constant cosmic background radiation.
b. Galaxies are moving toward each other.
c. A loud explosion can be heard in the radio frequencies everywhere in the universe.
d. Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the universe.


Cosmic background radiation is true. 

Please help i have points1. Over time, scientists have changed their model of our solar system. It has transitioned from

a sun-centered to an moon-centered model.

a sun-centered to an earth-centered model.

an earth-centered to a sun-centered model.

a moon-centered to an earth-centered model.

2. Many years ago, people believed that the Earth was the center of the solar system because from Earth, it looks as if the stars and the Sun

rotate around the Earth.

are controlled by the Earth.

are much smaller than the Earth.

move more quickly than the Earth.


The answer to question 1=C

and the answer to question 2=A

the interesting fact is that the earth is actually rotating rather than the sun and stars.

did you know, people used to think that the earth was flat? :)

Spending that can change from year to year is known as spending.


Answer: Discretionary spending


Discretionary spending is known to be the type of spending that is not important or vital because it involves wants and not needs of individuals which changes from time to time or year to year. Thus, its examples are entertainment, travel and so on.

The natural resources used by society are limited by various factors. Why is coal considered a nonrenewable resource?a. Once coal is used up, it can never be replaced.
b. Coal is a nonrenewable resource, because it comes from the impact of meteors with the Earth.
c. Coal was a renewable resource, until it was mismanaged by humans.
d. Coal is considered a nonrenewable resource, because it takes millions of years to form.


The answer is D. Coal is considered as a nonrenewable resource because it takes million of years to form. Coal is formed by the alteration of peat chemically and physically. The process of coal formation is called coalification. During  this  process, peat experiences a lot of processes like heat, a lot of pressure and bacterial decay where oxygen is forced out and what's left is carbon deposits which in due time forms coal.


The answer is D



The_______is the governmental body that regulates political action committees (PACs)


The Federal Election Commission or FEC

The Federal Election Commission regulates campaign finances during elections. It is classified as an independent regulatory agency. This Commission began as the Federal Election Campaign Act. Through amendments to this Act, the Federal Election Commission was established in 1974. The purpose of the Commission is to disclose campaign finance information, enforce limits and prohibitions on certain contributions, and to have oversight in the financing of presidential elections.

Answer: Federal Election Commission.......

Compared with the US Constitution, how difficult is it to amend state constitutions?


The Constitution is difficult to amend because it requires a supermajority of either members of Congress or a supermajority of state legislatures to propose a new amendment for ratification. Even after acquiring the requisite two-thirds of either group to propose the amendment, it then has to be ratified by 75 percent of the states, either by their legislatures or state Constitutional conventions.