I need to know the time for the clock in spanish
I need to know the time for the clock in - 1


Answer 1


1. 2:30 (dos y media) half past two.

2. 4:45 (cinco menos cuarto) a quarter to five.

3. 6:45 (siete menos cuarto) a quarter to seven.  

4. 12:30 (doce y media) half past twelve.

5. 7:00 (siete en punto) seven o'clock.

6. 1:00 (una en punto) one o'clock.

7. 11:00 (once en punto) eleven o'clock.

8. 8:00 (ocho en punto) eight o'clock.

9. 10:00 (diez en punto) ten o'clock.


On analog watches, the small clock hand shows the hours (hour hand). It goes once around the clock every 12 hours (half a day). The large hand points to the minutes (minute hand). It goes once around the clock every 60 minutes (one hour).


Answer 2
Answer: 1) Dos y media meaning 2:30
2) Nueve veinte y tres meaning 9:23
3) Nueve treinta y tres meaning 9:33
4) Doce y media meaning 12:30
5) Siete meaning 7:00

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