The tilt of the earth‘s axis
So if the earths axis is rotating a certain way the daylight hours are affected and nighttime
The Earth's rotation on its axis
The current cycle of day and night is 12 hours day and 12 hours night. If the Earth rotated at a faster rate, we would have shorter cycle of days and nights. However, if the Earth rotated at a slower rate, we would have a longer cycle days and nights. The Earth's rotation is a major factor when looking at the length of the days and nights.
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Erosion can benefit the environment.
Erosion is caused by human activities.
Erosion is caused by the wind, water, and gravity.
Erosion occurs when chemical activities break down rock.
The process of erosion creates soil.
The process of erosion moves soil.
The correct answers are:
- Erosion can be harmful to the environment; bigger erosion in a shorter time span can be very destructive to the environment because whole layers of soil will be moved away and the landscape and the features of the environment will be changed.
- Erosion is caused by human activities; people have a big impact on the erosion, mainly by destroying the vegetation which is essential for prevention of this process.
- Erosion is caused by the wind, water, and gravity; these three are the natural factors that are causing the erosion, and that manage to move the soil away from a particular place.
- The process of erosion moves soil; the process of erosion in its essence means exactly that, moving of soil, and while this is bad for the place from where the soil is moved away, it can be good for the place where the material will be deposited later on.
- Erosion can be harmful to the environment
- Erosion is caused by human activities
- Erosion is caused by the wind, water, and gravity
- The process of erosion moves soil
i hope this helps you
b. stars
c. volcanoes
d. moon
(2) limestone
(3) schist
(4) slate
Your answer will be B. Hunt / Farm full-time!
After years of searching for this tribe of people, archaeologists found a Mogollon settlement in Mexico with provided evidence of their farming!
They found remains of CORN and SQUASH...
The answer that apply;
Light and the time it takes to traverse between particular points in the universe is used to calculate the age of distant stars and galaxies. Because of the vast nature of the universe, light takes earth years for it to travel from one galaxy to another. By knowing the speed of light and the amount of time taken for the light to travel from a distant celestial body, and use of geometric calculations, and brightness measurements we can tell in approximation the age of the celestial body. The age can also star can also be determined by their composition. Youg stars are mainly found have lighter elements such as helium. As they age, they have more composition of heavier elements such as iron. This is due to the fusion at the core of the sun that fuses lighter elements to heavier elements.
The answers that apply are;
Radiometric dating means the use of half-life of naturally decaying elements such as carbon-14 to tell the age of a fossil or rock. The gradual formation of rocks such as lithification of sedimentary rock or metamorphosis of rock is also used to calculate the age of the earth by studying the stage in the process in which the rocks are in and extrapolating the age using calculations.