The media reports that a research study found that students learn better if they eat chocolate while reading. If your teacher insists that you eat chocolate, based on this report, what errors is he making?


Answer 1


The teacher is not thinking critically about this media report

The teacher is overgeneralizing the results of this report to all students

The teacher is assuming that the class is similar to the participants in the study


Most times, things we see are not the way they are. Research is all about digging up to obtain evidence or result that is relevant to your study.The teacher is suppose to look into the media message inwardly and confirm its authenticity before taking your personal actions.

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The white house has announced
The answer that is correct and mentioned already would be C "The white House has announced that....."

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Answer: b. Italy and Germany

Explanation: Hi, trade in Europe in the early Middle Ages continued to some degree as it had under the Romans, with shipping being fundamental to the movement of goods from one end of the Mediterranean to the other and via rivers and waterways from south to north and vice versa.  

Most trade went thru the Mediterranean, so a region with most of its ports on the Mediterranean would control most of the trade , which would be Italy.

b. Italy and Germany.
Hope this is helpful. :)

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A group of elected individuals that are responsible for making and changing laws is best described as : A. Legislature

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What is the difference between formal and informal socialization? Which is more instrumental in forming ones political beliefs?


Formal socialization is the organized learning of skills, norms and information  such as in a school environment.

Informal socialization is the learning without formal structure, outside of an institution, such as with friends.

I would say that usually the informal socializing is more instrumental in forming political beliefs, but exceptions are also possible. 

Final answer:

Formal socialization is facilitated by institutions, while informal socialization is indirect and unintentional. Informal socialization, specifically within family and peer groups, tend to more significantly shape an individual's political beliefs.


Formal socialization and informal socialization are two different manners in which individuals learn and adopt societal norms, values, and roles. Formal socialization is direct and intentional, usually facilitated by institutions like schools, churches, or the workplace. Examples would be learning how to behave in a classroom setting or how to perform a job. On the other hand, informal socialization is indirect and unintentional, often occurring through day-to-day interactions and observations of others, like learning how to behave at the dinner table or how to talk to peers.

Both formal and informal socialization contribute to one's political beliefs. However, many sociologists agree that informal socialization, specifically within the family and peer group, tends to have a stronger and more lasting effect on an individual's political orientation in adulthood. This is not to say, though, that formal socialization does not contribute to political beliefs. For instance, coursework in government or history can shape political beliefs and attitudes.

Learn more about Formal and Informal Socialization here: