Which detail from the passage best supports theReading Passage
Should You Work During the School Year?
article's main idea that working during the school
by Staff Writer Maryam Khan
year is beneficial?
1 Every Tuesday and Thursday, high school junior Kayla Morrison goes to a
local café--not to eat, but to work. For the last four months, she's been working
Getting a job as a teen tells potential future
at the café those two afternoons a week and every Saturday morning.
O employers that you have initiative, that is, the
2 Kayla is one of the many American high school students who work. In fact,
energy that's needed to do something.
around eighty percent of all high school students will have had some kind of job
by the time they graduate. But is working during the school year a good thing?
Let's find out
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Benefits
in 2007, 24.8% of 16-and 17-year-olds worked. 3 Kayla's friend Sergio Morales is a senior who works fifteen to twenty hours a
A slightly larger number worked 15
week bagging groceries. He says, "Per hour, the money doesn't sound like
much, but it adds up. I like being able to spend it on things I want to buy. And I
more per week than those worki
an am also saving a little to go to a community college next year."
15 hours
4 Sergio has named an obvious benefit of working-getting money in return for


Answer 1

Final answer:

The best supporting detail for the idea that working during the school year is beneficial comes from paragraphs 3 and 4, where Sergio states that the money he earns from his job, though it may seem small, adds up and allows him to spend on his needs and save for college.


The detail from the passage that best supports the article's main idea that working during the school year is beneficial, can be found in the third and fourth paragraphs. Here, the writer mentions that Kayla's friend, Sergio Morales, who works fifteen to twenty hours a week, says that although the money per hour might not seem much, it still adds up. This allows him to spend on things he wishes to buy and also save for his community college next year. With this, he mentions another benefit of working, which gives us a clear and direct evidence that supports the central idea.

Learn more about Working during School Year here:



Final answer:

Working during the school year can help students financially prepare for their future education.


The detail from the passage that best supports the article's main idea that working during the school year is beneficial is when Sergio Morales, a senior, mentions that he is saving money to go to a community college next year. This indicates that working during the school year can help students financially prepare for their future education.

Learn more about Benefits of working during the school year here:



Answer 2

Final answer:

The detail from the passage that best supports the main idea that working during the school year is beneficial is found in paragraph 3, where Sergio mentions the financial benefits of working.


The detail from the passage that best supports the main idea that working during the school year is beneficial is found in paragraph 3. Sergio, a high school senior, mentions that although the money he earns from his job is not much per hour, it adds up over time. He also mentions that he is using the money to buy things he wants and that he is saving some of it for college. This detail highlights the financial benefits of working during the school year, which aligns with the article's main idea that working can be beneficial.

Learn more about Working during the school year here:



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100 points. william bradfords account describes how pilgrims adapted to life in new england. explore that experience in two brief writing tasks. base both pieces of writing on details from the text to create a coherent narrative. As much as possible, mirror the seventeenth century style that Bradford uses. Make sure you demonstrate your understanding of the text and the language of the era used when writing the text. Your response should respond to all parts of the situation as appropriate.


1. Arriving on the American continent, pilgrims trying to escape religious intolerance and establish a good and peaceful life on the new continent had a great challenge ahead. In addition to facing possible hostility by the natives, the pilgrims were subjected to harsh winters, where they had no homes to protect them. The harsh winter limited the establishment of agricultural crops, which resulted in poor and inefficient harvests that caused hunger, misery and the proliferation of diseases, which led to the death of many of the hopeful individuals.

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2. When writing his experiences and the difficulties that his fellow citizens went through, Bradford used a cultured and formal language, yet simple and direct that would allow individuals of the next generations to be able to read and understand. In this way, the history of his ancestors would be recorded forever and with the narration in first person, Bradford knew that he would put a more personal and realistic content in the narration. He wanted everything to look true, so that no one would doubt the ability they had to survive in the midst of so many difficulties.

Transformation in religion.


According to Pargament, a person's spiritual transformation entails a fundamental shift in the significance of the sacred or the nature of the sacred in their lives. The concept of new configurations of strivings can be used to explain spiritual development.

Over time, the definition of spirituality has grown and changed, and various definitions coexist with one another. The transformation founders and holy books of the world's faiths served as examples of this religious process of re-formation, which "aims to recover the original shape of man" and is centered on "the image of God"

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O B. Read for long periods of time
O C. Pick out the important parts of a book or article
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Answer: C


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The passage from the "Theseus" explains that ocean travel was a common part of daily life for the ancient Greeks.

Why did ancient Greeks prefer ocean travel?

The Greeks depended on the sea not just for food and transportation, but also for news, battle, commercial and political interaction, and scientific advancement.

Hence, The passage from the "Theseus" explains that ocean travel was a common part of daily life for the ancient Greeks.

To know more about Ancient Greeks, refer below:




Ocean travel was common.


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