Question :El hermano de mi madre es mi ___. Answers: A. padre B. tío C. abuelo D. primo


Answer 1




a.the brother of my mom is my dad

b.the brother of my mom is my uncle

c.the brother of my mom is my grandpa

d.the brother of my mom is my cousin

Answer 2
Answer: B is the answer

Hope this helps

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We need to fill in the blank of each exercise with the corresponding indirect and direct object pronoun. An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. On the other hand, a Direct Object Pronoun replaces a direct object, that is a noun that directly receives the action of a verb in a sentence. See Tables below.

11) Correct answer:

First blank: me

Second blank: las

In this sentence, the action of the verb is being performed for me, so we must use the indirect object pronoun that matches the first person singular, which is me. On the other hand, the direct object in this sentence is las cartas, so we must use the direct object pronoun for the third person singular (feminine form), which is las. Finally, we have the following sentence:

Usted me las da

12) Correct answer:

First blank: se

Second blank: lo

If the indirect object le and les is followed by the direct object pronoun lo, la, los and las, then the indirect object changes to se. Since in this sentence the action of the verb (to buy) is being performed for las personas (for them), we must use les that changes to se according to the previous rule because the direct object pronoun is lo that replaces the direct object el pan. Finally:

Nosotros se lo vendemos

13) Correct answer:

First blank: se

Second blank: la

Here los hermanos Vega receive the action of the verb to sell (vender) indirectly, so the action of the verb in this sentence is being performed for them, that's why we choose les here that changes to se. On the other hand, the direct object here is la casa, hence the direct object pronoun we need to use is la. Finally:

Felipe se la vende

14) Correct answer:

First blank: nos

Second blank: la

Here we receive the action of the verb to show (mostrar) indirectly, so the action of the verb in this sentence is being performed for us, that's why we choose nos. On the other hand, the direct object here is la revista, hence the direct object pronoun we need to use is la. Finally:

Lupe nos la muestra

15) Correct answer:

First blank: se

Second blank: la

Here Javier receives the action of the verb to buy (to buy) indirectly, so the action of the verb in this sentence is being performed for Javier (for him), that's why we choose le here that changes to se according to the rule indicated in 12. On the other hand, the direct object here is la manzana, hence the direct object pronoun we need to use is la. Finally:

Ella se la compra

11) me da
12) les vendemos
13) les vende
14) nos muestra
15) se la compra

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árbol de navidad blanco decorado con rojo y dorado translate to  

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the answer is d because when you talk about yourself in spanish it ends with “o”
The correct answer is c because you are talking about your brother and you, so is referring “us”with the letter c
The translation is “ My brother and I play the guitar.”

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B. coffe and bread
C. Tea and calabash
D. lamb and rice

I think it would be C or D.


I believe it is D.
Hope this is of help to you, and happy studying~!
~{Oh Mrs.Believer}
i think is c 

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1. Doce treinta y cinco

2. Dos con cuatro

3. Dos cincuenta

4. Tres veinte

5. Cuatro en punto

6. Cinco y media

Just add "de la tarde" after every sentence.
