Conduct an investigation on the extent which media reflex a South Africa democratic society in one page comment using relevant example whether it reflect article of the South African bill of rights explain the bill and comment whether our media reflects it when reporting
They follow Article 16,but overdo it as they tend to harm the feelings of victims by their freedom of expression
When deciding on a foreign language to pick you should think the benefits it will bring you in the future? True or False
True, because if you learn a language ,and you wont use it anymore, it doesnt make any sense.
critically evaluate the role of a person's rights and responsibilities when executing freedom of expression during verbal interpersonal conflicts
Basically the person's rights are the same rights, as with all other aspects of life: of freedom from imprisonment, freedom not to experience physical harm and the freedom to make own choices and to have these choices respected by others.
The responsibilities are connected to respecting other people's rights.
Whose artwork of Franklin D. Roosevelt is on the dime?