ans = x10
total magnification=eyepiece magnification*objective lens magnification
eye piece=total/objective lens
did the test my friend
It will be on the cytoplasmic side of the endoplasmic reticulum
The inner mitochondria protein called Adenine Nucleotide Translocator or ADP/ATP carrier protein, maintains the transport of ADP into the matrix of the mitochondria from the cytoplasm for ADP to be available for ATPase synthesis of ATP, from ADP and Pi(inorganic phosphate ion) during chemiosmosis of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria.
The same carrier proetin also convey the synthesized ATPs back to the Cytoplasm for cellular utilization.
Therefore the ATP binding site should at the cytoplasmic side of the E.R, because the cytoplasm of the E.R is the site of deposits of synthesized ATP s, thus proximity of the ATP-binding site to it is needed.
b. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is competition, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is parasitism.
c. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is commensalism, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is parasitism.
d. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is commensalism, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is predation.
Commensalism is a relationship between two organisms in which only one of them has benefit, and the other one is not affected. Bacteria are carried by ticks, so bacteria have a benefit from the relationship. Tick is not affected by bacteria, it does not get Lyme disease. Therefore, the relationship between ticks and bacteria is commensalism.
The relationship between ticks and humans is parasitism. Parasitism is non-mutual relationship between two organisms in which one of them (tick) benefits at the expense of the host organism (human).
flagella for movement
distinct nucleus
membrane-bound organelles
Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that use flagella for movement. They do not have a distinct nucleus or membrane-bound organelles, unlike eukaryotes. Their DNA is often circular and not organized in chromosomes.
The characteristics of prokaryotes listed include their being single-celled and their use of flagella for movement. However, prokaryotes don't have a distinct nucleus, rather they have a region known as nucleoid where their DNA is located. Also, they lack membrane-bound organelles. They are simpler in structure compared to eukaryotic cells. Their DNA is often circular and not organized in chromosomes as in eukaryotes.
B. motor neuron -> interneuron -> sensory neuron
C. interneuron -> sensory neuron -> motor neuron
D. None of these
Answer:sensory nuerone to internuerone to motor neurones
The sensory nuerone usually receive inputs from the receptors cells in the skin,organs,and other parts of the body.
These receptors send signals as action potential to the spinal cord to the brain.(CNS).
Synapse take place at the synaptic junctions, in the spinal cord with the internuerone.
The latter transmit the action potential to the motor neuron which synapse with the internuerone and transmita signal to the neuromuscular junction where it synapse with the muscels at the toe.
The action potentials causes influx of calcium ions and the relase of acetylcholine neurotransmitters for action potential to reach the toe muscles (effector)for contraction