When did Stresemann become Chancellor of Germany?


Answer 1


August 1923


Stresemann was a deputy and chairman of the German People's Party. In August of 1923, he became chancellor of the Reich. Stresemann served as Chancellor for a brief period of 102 days. Because of Stresemann, the period of 1924-1929 was a time where cultural life in Germany flourished.

Answer 2


In August 1923


Full name Gustav Stresemann, he became the chancellor during the hyperinflation crisis. He was the chancellor for 102 days and he was a Foreign Minister from 1923-1929. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926.

Born on May 10th 1878.

Died on October 3rd 1929.

Hope this helps.....

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To modify the Constitution, an amendment must first be proposed by Senate.

Why amendment must first be proposed by Senate?

The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval.

By contrast, in the United States a proposed amendment originates as a special joint resolution of Congress that does not require the President to sign and that the President can not veto. Most amendments are never ratified or even passed by the House or Senate. In fact, the Constitution has been amended only 27 times in history. The manner in which constitutional amendments are finally recorded takes two main forms.

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We must never give in to exaggerated fears and must continueto fight for our rights to express ourselves and not have our movements bemonitored by government.  We must alsoprotect our rights to fair trial that the McCarthy Era tried to destroy.  No one should be subjected to witch hunt orbe branded a traitor or spy without the benefit of a fair trial.  The McCarthy Era played on people’s fears butit also destroyed people’s lives. We must never let that happen again.

Following World War 2, as the Cold War developed and the Soviet Union was gathering allies, there was much fear -- and fear-mongering -- in the United States about the threat of communism.   This time period, from the late 1940s to late 1950s, is known as the Second Red Scare.  This was when the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created and when Senator Joseph McCarthy began a campaign of accusations against suspected communists in various sectors of American life.  During the Second Red Scare, many people were targeted -- including especially those in the entertainment industry, journalism, and in government and the military.  The lessons learned from the McCarthy era showed that the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights must be vigorously defended.  If individual's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of association are called into question, and due process of law is not followed, everything America stands for can come under attack.

A good film you might look for on the subject of McCarthy's fear campaign and how it was overcome is the 2005 movie, "Good Night and Good Luck."  The film shows the efforts of journalist Edward R. Murrow to battle against McCarthy's excesses and unfounded accusations.  It was especially through the efforts of Murrow that McCarthy's excessive actions were stopped.

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C. Limited and restricted functions for the central government
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"C. Limited and restricted functions for the central government" would be the best option, since the Articles of Confederation were intentionally meant to give the central government very little power over the states.