Which of these activities would have been possible before the Neolithic
Which of these activities would have been possible before the - 1


Answer 1


A father takes his son on a hunting trip to teach him to use a bow and arrow.


Before the revolution, people mainly travelled around to find their food, and didn't really grow food.

Answer 2
Answer: that’s the answer above me ^

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If you were in charge of the Confederate war effort, what strategy or strategies would you have pursued? Conversely, if you had to devise the Union strategy, what would you propose? How does your answer depend on your knowledge of how the war actually played out?


If I were in charge of the Confederate war effort, the strategy would have put upon on developing industries in the South.

  • As in charge of the Confederate war effort, most of the efforts would be given establishing industries in the South.
  • Increasing factories would allow the South States to rely on themselves rather than sending raw material to the North.
  • Increasing transportation with better roads and rail tracks.

  • As in charge of the Union strategy, I would have focused on having better-trained soldiers.
  • Based on the knowledge, the war continued for many years because the Confederates had great Generals, and they fought well compared to the North.

  • Before the war, industrial development played a role in winning the war as the Union were able to get constant supplies of war materials.
  • Despite the South being wealthy were not able to get supplies as dockyards were captured by the Union.

Therefore we can conclude that both of the regions had disadvantages when the war began but despite the Union were able to win the battle that ended slavery.

Learn more about "the Confederate" here:


If I were in charge of the Confederate war effort, I would have paid a lot more attention to the lack of industry in the South. I would have focused on increasing the number of factories, shipyards and businesses in the region, as opposed to focusing on agricultural production.

If I were in charge of the Union strategy, I would have focused on the issue of slavery earlier in the war and tried to push for emancipation as soon as possible, as this would have allowed former slaves to join the Union earlier. It would have also debilitated the Confederacy faster.

Both of these strategies are heavily dependent on the fact that I know how the war played out. Before the war, it was not clear how industrial development was better for a region than agricultural one (considering both regions were reasonably wealthy). Moreover, it would have also been difficult to guess what the effects of emancipation were going to be in the war effort.

How did the United States economy in the North differ from the economy in the South? Support youranswer with two examples of each type of economy.


The North's economy was based off of industrialism and the South's economy was almost entirely comprised of agriculture and trade of goods. The examples are industrialism for the North and comprised for the South. 
I hope this helps. :-)
The Southern economy was very dependent on slaves. Slaves did work for free, which ended up giving the Southerners a lot of money. The North didn't have the need for slaves as they didn't have as many plantations or land good for agriculture. Instead Northerners had industries that grew quicker than the South's crops. The South was forced to buy their manufactured good from the North and sell their crops to the North for low prices. Many Southerners despised the uneven difference of the economies, which only helped increase tensions when the Civil War started up.

How might the history of california have been different if the gold rush had not happened


California wouldn't be diverse, it wouldn't be unique, there would be no other people from other countries. And we would be broke.
Because of the mountainous terrain the settlers had to cross to reach the Pacific Coast, it would not have developed very quickly. There probably would have been no great push for the railroad to have been built and the ethnic mix would be somewhat different than it is now. The Anglo-Saxons were outnumbered by Spanish speaking natives and the Native American Indians. The culture wouldn't have been as up to date as the East coast because they regularly saw what was new from England. Without the gold rush, the towns would have been more peaceful, less Friday night drunkenness and shootings. I think people would have been more trusting. 

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cotton brought cash returns to farmers and provided income in rural areas