How you manage your money greatly depends upon your priorities and goals. For instance, if you goal is to have a financially secure retirement, you would need to start saving and investing now. However, if your goal is to live your best life now, then you may spend more in the short term.
Implement the selected alternatives
The decision making process is divided in 4 rational steps:
1. Identify the existing problem: know what is the difficulty that is being presented, it involves all what is being affected.
2. List possible solutions for the existing problem: here the person lookfl for all the possible ways to solve a problem and the different variables that are being affected.
3. evaluate and select the most beneficial alternative: in this step the person foresee the results of each alternative and choose the once that would work in the best way.
4. Implement the alternative that was selected: it implies the work of every person involved in the results, follow the plan and the improvement of the initial problem.
Sometimes it is added a 5th step, the feedback and evaluation of the implemented alternative to know if the problem was fully solved.
none of the above
A. interest groups
I just took the test on edge
A credit score is a tool used is analyzing the creditworthiness of a customer in a numerical way or rating . It is useful in determining who qualifies for a loan , the applicable rate and other condition attached.
It tells about the financial integrity of a consumer through his attitudes to loan facilities over the years.
A proper credit score can be maintained by repaying loans on time ,up your credit card and do not close your credit card account.