Please help!!On which type of news show would a story about a speech by the President of the United States most likely appear?
A. Local news
B. World news
C. National news
D. Live news


Answer 1

Answer: Live News (if it is very inportant)


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"Through me pass into the painful city,Through me pass into eternal grief,
Through me pass among the lost people...
Before me nothing was created that
Was not eternal, and I last eternally.
All hope abandon, you who enter here.

At the gate of Hell, Dante sees the inscription above that he calls "hard" to take. How does the use of anaphora affect the impact of the inscription?


The main effect of using anaphora as a literary device in this inscription is to emphasize the role of the passage in entering eternal suffering in hell. The repetition of the phrase "through me pass" indicates an artistic effect which refers to hell.


The use of the Anaphora in this text aims to emphasize the pain, suffering and hopelessness that exists behind the door.


The anaphora is represented in the language with the purpose of impressing force what one wants to express, to emphasize a situation or a feeling. The anaphora is the repetition of words or expressions at the beginning of the sentence, a period or a verse, when it comes to poetry or song lyrics, for example. Repetition may aim to emphasize and make the message more expressive.

In this text, the phrase "Through Me" is repeated throughout the passage.  All the text maintains a structure of repetition, which can be denominated of Anaphora. The repetition, in this case, characterizes the event and its recurrence, all the bad things that are waiting for the one that passes through the door of hell.

What is the name of a long speech made by a character that other characters hear called?A. an aside
B. a dialogue
C. a monologue
D. a soliloquy


The answer is letter c.   A monologue is a kind of speech which isdelivered by one person . It is a long one-sided conversation.  On this dramatic device, only one person doesthe talking. 

An aside is a device used in dramawherein a character speaks to the audience and the audience, in convention, isto realize that the speech of the character is unheard by the other characterson stage.
A dialogue on the other hand is a spokenor written exchange of conversation between two or more people.
Soliloquy comes from the Latin words “solo”and “loquor”  which means “to oneself “ and“ I talk”, respectively. It is a device commonly used in drama whereby thecharacter speaks to himself or herself, conveying thoughts and feelings,thereby sharing them with the audience.

REVIEW: A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses typically begin with a subordinating conjunction.DIRECTIONS: READ EACH SENTENCE AND CHOOSE THE DEPENDENT CLAUSE.

SENTENCE: Within three days, she was offered a job as a full-time cashier.

she was offered a job
There is no dependent clause in this sentence.
Within three days
as a full-time cashier



C.Within three days


Only part that is separated and cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

How is naturalism reflected in "A Man Said to the Universe"?


Naturalism is defined as philosophical view where it is believed that everything that exists in the universe is just physical matter thus supernaturals do not exist. The poem is a very concise expression of a naturalist desire of recognition of existence. However, everything seems to be indifferent to his existence. It is reflected in the poem that no one higher being is obligated for our existence, certainly a naturalist view.



Since nothing is underlined, I will just write what I assume to be the correct answer.
A) the subject is WE
B) the direct object is GREEK ARCHITECTURE
C) the predicate is ARE STUDYING
D) there are no complements here

Final answer:

The question asks about the study of Greek architecture and starts to break down the sentence structure. In the presented sentence, 'We' is the subject, 'are studying' is the predicate, 'Greek architecture' is the direct object, and 'in school' is the complement.


The question refers to an aspect related to the study of history, specifically focusing on Greek architecture. The components of the question being asked include subject, direct object, predicate, and complement; these are essential parts of a sentence in the English language.

The subject of a sentence is the 'doer' or the one acting. In the question'+We+are+studying+Greek+architecture+in+school.', the subject is 'We', because 'We' are doing the studying. The verb or predicate is 'are studying', which describes the action taking place. 'Greek architecture' functions as the direct object because it receives the action of the verb, and 'in school' is the complement, providing additional information about where the action is happening.

Learn more about Sentence Structure here:


Read the excerpt from chapter 25 of The Awakening. Or else she stayed indoors and nursed a mood with which she was becoming too familiar for her own comfort and peace of mind. It was not despair; but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promise broken and unfulfilled. Which statement best summarizes the explicit message in the excerpt?

Edna is depressed.
Edna is unsatisfied.
Edna longs for her youth.
Edna breaks promises.



  • Edna is unsatisfied.  


Edna Pontellier, who, while in an emotionless marriage to Léonce Pontellier, begins to look all starry eyed at Robert Lebrun and has a short affair with Alcée Arobin. An individual from New Orleans' privileged, she has artistic leanings.

It says it's not despair, so that rules out depression.  I see no mention or talk of youth or promises.  Edna being unsatisfied seems like the best answer because that's similar to the definition of unfulfilled.  (not having done or achieved something, not happy.)