In which space, outdoors or in your classroom, would it be easier to hear a musician? Explain


Answer 1


It is easier to hear a musician in the classroom than outdoors


It is easier to hear a musician in the classroom due to the improved acoustics provided by the walls of the classroom whereby along with the direct sound of the musician, which is the lead source of the sounds, there is an increased number of indirect sound reaching the ear in the classroom than outdoors and due to precedence effect, all the sound appear to come from the musician

In music played outside, along side the direct sound from the musician, the indirect sound that reach the ear is echoed from maybe by only the ground while the majority of the sound from the music wanders away with the wind and in other directions as well as being absorbed such that speakers will be required to improve the sound of the music outdoors.

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Wood has a high heat capacity.

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Answer: Wood is an insulator.

Explanation: Conductors are those substances which allow heat and electricity to pass through them.Example: Metals

Insulators are those substances which do not allow heat and electricity to pass through them. Example: wood

Pots and pans should be made of conducting material as the heat needs to be transferred from the burner to the pot and then to the food for cooking.

But the handles should be made from insulators so that they do not become hot and thus we can hold the utensil using the handles without getting burnt.

Wood doesn't get hot when it heats up, so number 3

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-Hitting A Wall

-Rowing a boat



1.If you hit a Wall with your hands or legs, you get hurt. Why?

Because of Newton's Third Law. You hit the wall with a force and that exact same amount of force is returned by the wall.

2. While Rowing a boat, when you want to move forward on a boat, you paddle by pushing the water backwards, causing you to move forward.

3.While Walking, You push the floor or the surface you are walking on with your toes, And the surface pushes your legs up, helping you to lift your legs up.

A uniform Capillary tube closed at one end Contain dry air trapped by a thread of mercury 8.5x10 m long when the tube was held horizontally, the length of the air Column 5.0X10^2 Wher it held verti cally with the closed end downward the length was 4.5x10^2m Determine the value of atmospheric pressure take g=10m/s, density of mercury (1.36×10^4kg/m) ​



To determine the value of atmospheric pressure, we can use the concept of hydrostatic pressure. By comparing the lengths of the air column in the capillary tube when held horizontally and vertically, we can equate the pressure difference to the difference in height of the mercury column. Using the given values and the density of mercury, we can calculate the atmospheric pressure.

ingrid kicks a football with an initial velocity of 12 m/s at an angle 45 relative to the ground. what is the horizontal component of the initial velocity to the nearest tenth


Let's assume that the coordinate system is defined as positive in the first quadrant.

The system has its origin in the place where Ingrid kicks the football ball.

We have then that the horizontal component is given by:

Rewriting we have:

Rounding the obtained result we have:

x = 8.5 (m)/(s)


The horizontal component of the initial velocity to the nearest tenth is:

x = 8.5 (m)/(s)

is correct answer => 8.5 m/s

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B. What makes people think that the universe started from a single point?
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D. What was the cause of the big bang?


A. How could energy become the matter present today? 


What was the cause of the big bang theory?
