What important detail about Krebs’s sisters and mother is revealed?


Answer 1

Answer: His sisters and his mother are very fond of him.

In "Soldier's Home," we meet Krebs. He is a soldier who has just come back from the war, and he realizes how deeply he has changed because of it. Krebs feels he does not love anyone anymore, and cannot get used to his town again. However, throughout the story we learn that Krebs's mother and sisters are still fond of him, and love him deeply.

Answer 2
Answer: His sisters and his mother are very fond of him

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Question 5 of 20Multiple Choice: Please select the best answer and click "submit."

Read this passage:

The movie was awesome. The acting, the plot, and the explosions made it the best movie ever! Every reviewer, blogger, and moviegoer thinks so.
Which logical fallacy is used in this passage?
A. Non sequitur
B. Straw man
C. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
D. Bandwagon


The correct answer is D. Bandwagon


Bandwagon is a type of fallacy that occurs when a speaker or writer affirms some opinion, situation or similar is true based on the opinion and position of many other people. This implies, the author of an argument does not provide real support or evidence but mainly relies on how popular something is or the acceptance it has. This can be seen in the passage presented because in this the author uses "The acting, the plot, and the explosions made it the best movie ever! Every reviewer, blogger, and moviegoer thinks so" to try to support and probe the movie is awesome by describing many people believes this, which occurs in Bandwagon fallacy.

Bandwagon, because he's hopping on board with reviewers and bloggers.

Anne Frank lived in __________ during the __________.


Are there some options?

Else, i can tell you some that i can think of:

she lived in:


during (most) of the second world war

she also lived in Germany until 1933, so during the first four years of her life

while in Amsterdam, she lived in a secret flat for a long time.

Are any of these options what you're looking for?

Anne Frank lived in an annex behind her fathers business during the Holocaust.

What is the primary reason poets use sensory language?A. to establish theme
B. to build rhythm
C. to create figurative devices
D. to appeal to the senses


The answer in D because SENSory language appeals to the SENSes.

Both petroleum and coal are made up of complex carbon-based molecules, and both originated with living creatures of some kind. Both are vital sources of energy for the modern world and both were formed by geologic processes over millions of years. However, petroleum was mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms. Coal, on the other hand, originated from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. In any case, it took millions of years for both coal and oil to be produced. This is the case because it took that much time for overlying sediments to produce the unimaginable heat and pressure that would one day allow us to harvest these energy resources. 3. What organizing principle or principles are used in this paragraph?


The organizing principle used in this paragraph is the principle of comparison and contrast. In order to write a well-structured compare and contrast paragraph, the writer needs to identify several key points that have at least two subjects in common. The similarities and differences between the subjects need to be highlighted. Lastly, the writer needs to expand on the subjects; their strengths and weaknesses, as well which subject is stronger than the other subjects. The opening sentence of this paragraph is a good start to a compare and contrasting paragraph. 

Final answer:

The organizing principle in the paragraph is a comparison/contrast of the formation of petroleum and coal.


In the paragraph, the organizing principle used is a comparison/contrast. The paragraph compares and contrasts the formation of petroleum and coal, highlighting their similarities and differences in origin, composition, and formation process.

Petroleum is mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms, while coal originates from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. Both petroleum and coal took millions of years to be produced due to the heat and pressure generated by overlying sediments.

Overall, the paragraph organizes the information by discussing the two fossil fuels in relation to each other, focusing on their similarities and differences in terms of origin and formation.

Learn more about organizing principle here:

