the supreme court was to consist of a chief justice and 5 associate justices. then a federal judge was to preside over a United States district court which would hear admiralty and maritime cases and some other minor cases. Then the middle tier of the judiciary consisted of the United States circuit courts, which would serve as the principal trial courts in the federal system and exercise limited appellate jurisdiction. Two Supreme court justices and local district judge were to preside in circuit courts
Know-Nothing Party
Federalist Party
Democratic Party
democratic partyy
Answer:Popularized in 1600s
*A type of business structure used by some colonial explorers to raise money for their expeditions
*These private trading companies sold shares to investors who provided start-up funding
*In return for taking on the risk of the investment, investors were paid based on the profits of the expedition
*Many modern business structures, such as the American corporation, are founded on principles of the joint-stock company