In addition to replacing the president if necessary, it's the duty of the vice president to A. review laws before the president signs them.
B. serve as Speaker of the House.
C. preside over the Senate.
D. serve as liaison to the judicial branch.


Answer 1
Answer: In addition to replacing the president if necessary, it's the duty of the vice president to preside over the Senate. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "C". I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your great help.

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This is true. Because of his responsibility in the Watergate scandal, in order to avoid being impeached by the Senate, president Richard Nixon resigned on August 9,  1974. He was replaced by Gerald Ford. Spiro Agnew, who had been in the Republican presidential ticket in 1972, resigned in December 1973. Nixon nominated Ford as vicepresident based on the 25th Amendment. After Nixon´s resignation, Ford was sworn in as president and nominated Nelson Rockefeller as vicepresident in December 1974. So, this is correct, both Ford and Rockefeller held the highest office in the US without having been voted for by the American people.


For this assessment, you may write either a newspaper article or a storybook about the causes, motivations, and effects of the Spanish-American War or the building of the Panama Canal. Storybook

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The Spanish American War was a conflict between Spain and the U.S. that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western pacific and Latin Americas. The war was originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895.Spains brutally repressive measures to halt the rebellion were graphically portrayed for the U.S. published by several sensational newspapers. that's when the Americans sympathy for the rebels rose and that started the Spanish American War.
I need a little more


Causes of Spanish-American War.There were several causes of the Spanish-American War. Cubans were in revolt against Spain, wanting to declare their 
independence. Many Americans supported their efforts. Newspapers in America favored American intervention in Cuba. This was known as "the Yellow Press." William Randolph Hearst's papers led the way. Reporters were sent to Cuba and their reports often were transformed into horror stories about crimes against the Cuban population by the Spanish overlords. Such "reporting" sold papers. Imperialists in America favored the war which would bring Cuba and its people into the economic sphere of the US. We could provide products to the Cubans and we could enter the economic system of the island with our industries. The major cause was the explosion of the USS Maine, which was stationed in Havana. The American press claimed the Spanish caused the explosion with the loss of 260 American sailors. There was no evidence the Spainish caused the ship to explode. The American public continued to put pressure on President McKinley until he finally asked Congress to declare war on Spain on 11 April 1898. They wanted to declare their independence.

Final answer:

The Spanish American War, prompted by the Cuban struggle for independence and catalyzed by media portrayal of Spain's harsh repressions, resulted in the end of Spanish rule in the Americas and the commencement of U.S imperial rule over the newly acquired territories.


The Spanish American War was indeed a monumental event in history. It began as a result of the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain. American sentiments were influenced by the graphic portrayal of Spain's repressive measures that were published in sensational newspapers which heightened sympathy towards the rebels, thereby instigating the war.

During this time, battles were fought not only in Cuba, but also in Puerto Rico and in the Philippine Islands. Among these, the most significant event was the naval blockade of Cuba and the successful invasion of Puerto Rico by U.S. forces.

As an aftermath, The Spanish-American War concluded with the Treaty of Paris, which ended Spanish rule in the Americas. The United States acquired territories in the Western Pacific and Latin Americas, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, marking the emergence of the U.S. as a world power.

Learn more about Spanish American War here:


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They way that they were being treated in their home country. The lack of sanitization, and poverty were also large factors


to find better jobs and escape racism


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