How do aggregate fruits develop


Answer 1
Answer: Aggregate fruits are created from several carpels that was from the same flowers. Strawberries and raspberries are examples of this type of fruit. Aggregate fruits are made from a compilation of flower blossoms. Many ovaries from a single flower would develop a fruit once they are merged.
Answer 2

Several blossoms on a flower stick together and develop into a single fruit.

*Works for Plato*

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a. eutherian


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B. Primate


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Answer: B


According to MyPlate, how many cups of fat free or low fat milk, or their equivalent, should be consumed daily for all calorie levels?


Options: A. 2. B. 3. C. 1 D.4


Explanation:Myplate is a program of the United States of America, it aims to design standard nutrition required for children,it aims to ensure that the children live a healthy Lifestyle with reduced incidence of diseases.

MyPlate is managed and published by the USDA(United States Department of Agriculture) Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. It is a circle of very colourful and attractive food/ nutrition designs which make it more attractive and appealing.