A ________ is a rigid layer that surrounds a plant cell, providing structural support.A. chloroplast
B. nucleus
C. cell wall
D. cell membrane


Answer 1
The cell wall is the part of the cell whose purpose is to provide structural support to the cell. This is located outside the cell membrane. This part can be flexible or rigid. The purpose of cell wall acts like that of the skin of the human body. answer hence is C.

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The correct option is D. Eighteen times more ATP is formed during aerobic respiration than during anaerobic respiration.


Aerobic respiration can be described as the process of respiration taking place in the presence of oxygen. This process makes a lot more energy as compared to anaerobic respiration.

Anaerobic respiration can be described as the process of respiration taking place in the absence of oxygen. This process is one of the earliest reactions that occurred in organisms since the formation of life.

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C.)the amount of air that mixes with the gas stream


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Answer: external fertilization


External fertilization is the process of fertilization in which the male sperm cells fuses with the female egg cells outside the body of the female. This type of fertilization is used by the organisms which live in the water body.

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external fertilization......................

Which area of fat deposition is more closely associated with disease? 1) Waist fat 2) Buttocks fat


Answer: Waist fat


Waist fat (abdominal fat) is more closely associated with the risk of certain diseases compared to buttocks fat. Excess fat deposition around the waist, often referred to as visceral fat, is particularly concerning from a health perspective. Visceral fat is associated with an increased risk of various health problems, including:

1. **Cardiovascular Disease:** Visceral fat is strongly linked to an increased risk of heart disease. It can lead to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, and an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (the narrowing and hardening of arteries).

2. **Type 2 Diabetes:** Excess visceral fat is a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. It can contribute to insulin resistance, where the body's cells do not respond effectively to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.

3. **Metabolic Syndrome:** Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It includes factors like abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and abnormal lipid profiles.

4. **Fatty Liver Disease:** Visceral fat accumulation is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which can progress to more severe liver conditions.

5. **Certain Cancers:** Some studies suggest that excess abdominal fat may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.

In contrast, buttocks fat, or subcutaneous fat in the gluteal region, is considered less metabolically active and less strongly associated with the same health risks. While having excess fat in any part of the body can lead to overweight or obesity, the distribution of fat, with a particular emphasis on abdominal fat, plays a significant role in determining its impact on health.

Final answer:

Waist fat or abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, is more closely associated with diseases compared to buttocks fat. Having a larger waistline can increase the risks of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other health issues. While fat stored in the buttocks area is considered less dangerous as it doesn't surround vital organs, any excessive fat can pose health problems over time.


The accumulation of fat in the body and its corresponding location has been closely linked with disease risks. More specifically, waist fat is generally more closely associated with various health issues when compared to buttocks fat. It's important to establish that the human body tends to store excess fat in different areas based on factors like genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle.

According to data and studies, having a larger amount of waist fat can potentially lead to consequences such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other health conditions. This kind of fat, known as visceral fat, often accumulates around the organs in our abdomen and poses a higher threat than fat stored in other areas of the body.

Supposedly, fat stored in the buttocks area, or subcutaneous fat, doesn't bear the same level of health risks as waist fat because it doesn't surround vital organs. However, we must underline that excessive fat, no matter where it's located, can still lead to health issues over time, so maintaining a balanced lifestyle remains crucial.

Learn more about Fat here:

