Purchasing items with credit means borrowing money to pay for them, often with the addition of interest or fees. It does not inherently indicate fiscal irresponsibility or that you never possess the item. Once the debt is repaid, you officially own the product.
Buying things with credit essentially means that you're borrowing money to make a purchase, which you promise to repay within a certain timeline. Credit purchases often involve paying an additional amount in form of interest or fees, and so you may end up paying more for the item overall. However, this doesn't imply financial irresponsibility. Many financial transactions, like buying a house or a car, require the use of credit. Similarly, it does not imply you never truly own the item. Once the debt is paid off, the item legally becomes yours.
b. False
False. Since it is a sole proprietorship, it is the owner who is liable for the actions of the business. Since he owns it, he has to oversee all aspects of it. Decisions are made by the owner. He has no partners so responsibility falls on him or her.
B. Canada, the Unites States, and Mexico
C. Canada, the United States, and England
D. The United States, England, and Mexico
Correct Answer:
B. Canada, the United States, and Mexico
I think its fourteen based on what I read
I'm sorry if its wrong
Appeasement was the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked.
b. False
That statement is false
Monogamous marriage is the social standard in most of the civilizations, but polygamous relationships definitely exist in some part of the world. For example, in middle eastern societies, it is perfectly acceptable for the males to have multiple wives at once.
Answer: B. False