There is only one God.
God is love.
All humans will go to heaven.
Zoroastrianism introduced the idea of heaven and hell based on one's deeds in life.
Zoroastrianism introduced the religious idea that heaven and hell exist. According to Zoroastrianism, righteous individuals would go to heaven and evil individuals would go to hell after death. This concept of a final judgment and afterlife based on one's deeds is central to Zoroastrianism. It is important to note that Zoroastrianism also had a dualistic view of God, believing in both a good deity, Ahura Mazda, and an evil deity, Angra Mainyu.
B) carefree
C) expensive
D) absurd
P'u Yi's childhood was depressing (A).
At only 2 years and 10 months of age P'u Yi was taken away from his parents to be the emperor of China. The only person allowed to go with him was his wet nurse, but she was sent away when P'u Yi was eight years old because he was too old to breastfeed. He wasn't allowed to see his real mom until he was thirteen. During his childhood, he was never allowed to act like a child and was always treated like an emperor.
Students planning to take the IELTS exam need to concentrate more on the IELTS speaking section, as it is the test which analyzes the ability of the students’ language proficiency and communication skill. This IELTS speaking has 3 parts which involves self-introduction, cue card and follow up questions for the given task card topic.
This article will help you to answer the IELTS speaking cue card section and the follow-up questions. Check the given cue-card topic ‘describe a time when you needed to use your imagination’ with follow-ups to answer well in the test.
B. Swintons
C. A generals
D. His own