How are the choices of Saudi women limited by the country’s customs?Women must only be wives and mothers.

Women may not take part in the hejira.

Women may only work at jobs with other women.

Women must spend all of their free time visiting relatives.


Answer 1


Women must only be wives and mothers. Women must spend all of their free time visiting relatives. Women may only work at jobs with other women.

Please mark answer.

Cheers, Jake


Answer 2


Option D


Women must spend all their free time visiting relatives.

Hope it was helpful to you

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Pls help...Answer the questions in your exercise book:

What goods and services do you need to support your lifestyle? Think about your everyday life at home, for school, and in sport, recreation and hobbies.

Where do you access your goods and services? To what extent do you obtain goods and services online?

From what you know, do you think all trade that occurs in the world today is fair? How can fair trade and aid make the world a better place for all?

Select 5 items each from your kitchen, bedroom and living room. Annotate the world map Download world mapshowing where these items have come from. Colour each of the countries. Think about what you have found.

Read Interconnections through Trade Overview (During this unit will will focus on these key inquiry questions:

How are people and places connected to other places?

What role does technology play in connecting people to people, goods, services and information in other places?

What are the consequences of a globally connected world for people and places?

Why are interconnections important for the future of places and environment.

Trade, in the form of buying, swapping, selling and giving goods and services, is a driving force that interconnects people and places all over the world. Trade has gone on ever since human societies existed. In contrast, international aid is a modern phenomenon, although countries have always had internal programs to help those in need. Trade and aid can bring people together to share the Earth’s resources, but there can be problems when those resources are limited and, potentially, have negative consequences for the environment. The big question is how to organise trade and aid so that it fosters social justice and is fair and sustainable.

Container terminals Hong Kong

Figure 1: Container terminals, Hong Kong, China.

Click to enlarge).


The ideas below are examples of answers concerning the need for goods and services, depending on your lifestyle and choices, as well as where you live.

  1. Goods and services needed: Food, clothing, transportation, education, sports equipment, entertainment.
  2. Access to goods and services: Local stores, online platforms, schools, sports facilities.
  3. Extent of online purchases: It varies, but online shopping is a significant source for goods and services.
  4. Fairness of world trade: Not all trade is considered fair. Fair trade and aid can promote social justice and sustainability by ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and environmental protection.
  5. Five items from kitchen, bedroom, and living room: Kitchen - Coffee (Colombia), Tea (India), Rice (Thailand), Olive Oil (Spain), Chocolate (Ghana). Bedroom - Bed Sheets (Egypt), Pillow (China), Clothing (Bangladesh), Mattress (USA), Lamp (China). Living room - Television (Japan), Sofa (Italy), Carpet (Turkey), Artwork (France), Coffee Table (Brazil).
  6. The provided text discusses the interconnectedness of people and places through trade and the importance of organizing trade and aid to promote social justice and sustainability.

How our needs for goods and services vary

The goods and services we need can vary from person to person based on individual preferences, lifestyles, and circumstances. Each person has unique needs and priorities shaped by factors such as age, occupation, family size, location, and personal interests.

For example, a student may require educational materials, a professional might need specific tools or equipment for work, while a parent may prioritize childcare services. Cultural background, hobbies, and recreational activities also influence the range of goods and services desired.

Also, socioeconomic status and personal values can further impact the choices individuals make regarding the goods and services they require to support their particular lifestyles.

Learn more about goods and services here:


To support my lifestyle, I require a variety of goods and services for different aspects of my everyday life.

At home, I need basicnecessities such as food, water, and electricity. Additionally, I rely on householditems like cleaningsupplies, kitchenutensils, and furniture. For school, I need textbooks, stationery, and access to technology like computers and the internet. In terms of sports, recreation, and hobbies, I may require equipment, supplies, and access to facilities like gyms or sportsfields.

I access these goods and services from different sources depending on the item. For groceries and householditems, I usually go to localsupermarkets or grocerystores. However, I also utilize online shopping platforms for convenience anda wider range of options. For schoolsupplies, I visit bookstores or stationerystores, but I may also purchase some itemsonline. In terms of sports and hobbies, I might go to specializedstores or order equipment and suppliesonline.

The extent to which I obtain goods and servicesonlinevaries. While I do purchase some itemsonline for their convenience and accessibility, there are certainthings I prefer to acquire in person. For example, I may prefer to try on clothes or test out certainproducts before making a purchase, so I would go to physicalstores for those items.

Not all trade that occurs in the worldtoday can be consideredfair. There are instances of exploitativepractices, unequal power dynamics, and environmentaldegradationassociated with certaintrades. However, fairtrade and aidinitiatives can contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

Fair trade focuses on ensuringfair prices for producers, promoting better working conditions,and fostering sustainability. By supportingfairtrade, we can contribute to improving the livelihoods of producers in developingcountries and reducinginequalities in the globaleconomy.

Aidprograms, both at the national and internationallevels, provide assistance to countries and communities in need. These programsaim to address challenges such as poverty, inequality, and humanitariancrises. By providing aid, we can help create a moreequitable and supportiveworld where everyone has access to basicnecessities and opportunities for development.

In conclusion, the goods and services I need to support my lifestyle include basicnecessities, householditems, schoolsupplies, and equipment for sports and hobbies. I access these goods and services from varioussources, both in-person and online. While not all trade is fair, fairtrade and aidinitiativesplay a crucialrole in making the world a betterplace by promotingsocialjustice, sustainability, and supporting those in need.

Hope my answer helps you✌️


If a substance has a half-life of 10 million years, what fraction of the atomsremain after 20 million years?


answer is 1/4 of the atoms

at 0 years it would be the full amount (X)

at 10 million years you have half: X/2

at 20 million years you have 1/4 because: (X/2)/2 will equal 1/4

Answer: 1/4


What are the main arguments for exploiting the amazon rainforest


the main reason FOR exploiting a tropical rainforest would be the products we get out of it -> pretty orchids for our gardens, the products of plants that can be used as food or medice (1/4 of all medicine comes from the rainforests), the exotic animals, the timber than ccan be used for building, etc.

Which of the following can you assume about the layers in areas 2 and 4?A.The layers were originally horizontal.

The layers were deposited in a river bed.

The layers formed from sand dunes.

The layers formed in a marine environment.


I believe that the answer is b. From the picture I can see a little bit of water so, It wouldn't be in a Marine environment. It looks like it was formed on a riverbed. Erosion probably caused the layers to form on the riverbed.

the answer is a i just took the test and a is correct the 1st question answer is What does an unconformity in a sequence of rock layers reveal about geologic history?  



A rock layer must have turned upside down.



A layer of rock might have eroded.

the answer is b

If n represents an odd integer,write expressions in terms of n that represents the next three consecutive odd integers.If the four consecutive odd integers have the sum of 56,find the numbers


Every second integer is odd.  (The ones in between them are even.)

If you promise that 'n' is odd, then the next odd ones
are (n+2), (n+4), and (n+6) .

We need to add them all up:

   n + (n+2) + (n+4) + (n+6)  =  4n + 12

Now you're telling me that the sum is 56.  Knowing that, I can
figure out what 'n' is, and once I know  'n', I can fiugure out all
four of the numbers.

                                           4n + 12 = 56

Subtract  12  from each side:      4n = 44

Divide each side by  4 :                 n = 11

The four consecutive odd integers are:

   n . . . . . 11
   n+2 . . . 13
   n+4 . . . 15
   n+6 . . . 17 .

Check the answer:

Add up  (11 + 13 + 15 + 17)  =   56          yay ! 


That would be the answer for the first sequence.

Your second question--the integers would be 11,13,15, and 17

List two reasons why western powers of Europe, and the United States wanted to gain territories in Southeast Asia and the pacific islands



They want oil rigs
