Order the following in terms of increasing radius:

Al, In, TI, B, Ga


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: B, Al, Ga, In, Tl


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Answer: D) Petroleum Jelly

Explanation: Petroleum jelly is also known as white soft paraffin or Vaseline. It's a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons that can be used as a lubricant and protective ointment for dry or chapped skin. It can also be used to protect against minor cuts and burns.

How did Democritus contribute to the atomic theory/ structure of the atom?


Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around 460-370 BCE, made significant contributions to the early development of the atomic theory.

His ideas laid the foundation for the later development of modern atomic theory. Here's how Democritus contributed to the atomic theory and the structure of the atom:

Concept of Indivisible Atoms: Democritus proposed that everything in the physical world was made up of tiny, indivisible particles called "atoms." The word "atom" itself is derived from the Greek word "atomos," which means "indivisible" or "uncuttable." Democritus believed that atoms were the fundamental building blocks of matter and that they could not be divided into smaller parts.

Various Shapes and Sizes: Democritus suggested that atoms could vary in shape and size. He proposed that different substances were composed of atoms with different shapes, which explained the diversity of matter in the universe.

Empty Space: Democritus also introduced the idea of "void" or empty space between atoms. He believed that atoms were in constant motion and that the void allowed for this motion.

Lack of Experimental Evidence: It's important to note that while Democritus made these philosophical speculations about atoms, he did not provide any experimental evidence to support his ideas. His atomic theory was largely based on reasoning and thought experiments rather than empirical data.

Democritus' atomic ideas were influential, but they were largely overshadowed by the more prominent theories of his contemporary, Aristotle, which emphasized the existence of four fundamental elements (earth, water, air, and fire). It wasn't until much later, in the 19th century, that John Dalton and others developed the modern atomic theory, which incorporated experimental evidence and refined our understanding of atoms as the smallest units of matter that retain the properties of chemical elements.

Democritus contributed to the atomic theory by proposing the concept of indivisible atoms as the fundamental building blocks of matter, but his ideas lacked experimental support and were not widely accepted in his time.

Which statement explains why water is classifiedas a compound?
(1) Water can be broken down by chemical means.
(2) Water is a liquid at room temperature.
(3) Water has a heat of fusion of 334 J/g.
(4) Water is a poor conductor of electricity.


Answer: Option (1) is the correct answer.


Compounds are the substances which contain two or more different elements.

Similarly, water is a compound as it is made up when two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom. Compounds can be broken down with the help of chemical reactions.

Hence, the statement water can be broken down by chemical means explains why water is classified  as a compound.

I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option 1. Water is classified as a compound because it can be broken down by chemical means. This process is called electrolysis where the products are H2 and O2. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

Which is NOT an indicator of a chemical change? Heat or light is produced. State of matter changes. A new substance is formed. A gas is formed.


The choice that is not an indicator of a chemical change is "State of matter changes". More common than not, chemical reactions produce energy in the form of light or heat. Along with energy, they also produce a new substance called the product that could be in any state of matter (solid, gas, or liquid). Technically, a change in state is a physical change unless it also involves one of the other choices.


State of matter changes.


How are sound energy and light energy similar?A.
They are both carried from place to place by particles.
They are both kinds of mechanical energy.
They both need a medium to travel through.
They both have a wavelength and a frequency.




D. They both take the form of a wave and have frequency :)

4. How many protons are there in this atom?5. How many neutrons are there in this atom?
6. How many electrons are there in this atom?
7. What is the atomic weight of this atom?
8. Does the mass on the periodic table round to
the mass this atom has?
9. What atom is this?
10 n°
10. For each electron shown, write on the diagram to indicate which orbital (1s, 2s, 2p,...)
each electron is in.
11. Draw the orbital filling diagram for this atom. (Orbital filling is the thing with the boxes
and the arrows).
12. Write the electron configuration (1s"2s*) for this atom.
