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Conversion gives 42,107 km in total
A marathon covers 26 miles and 285 yards.
If 1 kilometer is 0.6214 miles, then how many kilometers are 26 miles, then:
1 km = 0.6214 miles
X = 26 miles
X = 41,841 km
Now if 1 yard is 36 inches, how many inches is 285 yards?
1 yard = 36 inches
285 yards = X
X = 10260 inches
If an inch is equal to 2.54 cm, how many centimeters are 10260 inches?
1 inch = 2.54 cm
10260 cm = X
X = 26060.4 cm
And 26060.4 cm is 0.260604 km
Finally, the sum of the distance would be:
41.841 km + 0.260604 km = 42.107 km
iron? (8 points)
first change cm to m and g to kg so you will find the volume first which is 0.02 by 0.03 by 0.02 your answer is 0.000012 m . using the formula density=mass/volume take 0.094/ 0.00012 then divide
Equivalent conversions:
1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 101.325 kPa
Dalton’s law is presented inthis formula, P = p1 + p2 + … +pn where p1, p2 to pn are the pressures of theindividual gases and the P is the total pressure.
Let p1 = CO2, p2 = O2 and p3 =N2
p1 = 125mmHg (1 atm/760 mmHg) =0.1645 atm
p2 = 22 kPa (1 atm/101.325 mmHg)= 0.2171 atm
P = p1 + p2 + p3
1.5atm = 0.1645 atm + 0.2171 atm+ p3
p3 = N2 = 1.1184 atm
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