Individuals who don't know that they are infected can continue to transmit STDs. Some people who suspect they have an STD may be too embarrassed to seek treatment. to health departments so that contacts can be notified and treated. These contacts can continue to unknowingly transmit the disease to others.
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Termperal Lobe
The afferent pathway mainly communicates with the Parietal Lobe.
The EHR is known as electronic health record.
Electronic Health Records
An Electronic health record is an official record which digitalizes the health information for improving efficiency, quality of care and it defiantly reduces the costs.
In other words, Electronic Health Records are recorded, stored, and accessed on a network which may include multiple medical providers.
The Benefits of Electronic Health Records:
Healthcare physicians will have the ability to forward any or all patient files to medical specialists and consultants
Electronic Health Record is able to keep:
Patient Demographics
Progress Notes
Current/Past Medications
Medical History
Laboratory Data/Radiology Reports
Electronic Health Record has the ability to share automatically share and update information among different offices and organizations
Through Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems standardization of medical health service is possible
EHRs allow physicians and staff members to:
Document all patient interactions
View medical histories and insurance information
Make referrals
Order tests and view results
Send e-prescriptions
Set allergy and harmful drug interaction alerts
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Objectives
The Core objectives of Electronic Health records may be as follow:
Electronic Health Record (EHR) improve quality, safety and efficiency & reduces costs
Through Electronic Health Records Systems, physician and health practitioner improves care coordination.
For the case of MR Davies who has a broken arm, his medical records will be the first consult before treatment after which prescription and further medical consultation can be done be sending an e-copy to the Davies sister who would present it to the medical consultant.
rubberband coul be one :)
Alcohol is eliminated from the body at an approximate rate of 0.015% per hour. This rate can vary depending on factors such as age, weight, and gender.
The rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body can vary depending on various factors such as age, gender, weight, overall health, and the amount of alcohol consumed. On average, the human body metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about 0.015 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC) per hour.
This means that if a person has a BAC of 0.08 (the legal limit for driving in many countries), it would take approximately 5.5 hours for their body to completely eliminate the alcohol from their system. However, it's important to note that this is an estimate and individual factors can affect the rate of alcohol metabolism in the body.
It is important to note that the only way to completely sober up after consuming alcohol is to wait for it to be eliminated from the body. Drinking water, eating food, or taking medication will not speed up this process.
To learn more about alcohol:
The human body typically eliminates alcohol at an approximate rate of 0.015 BAC per hour, although factors like sex, weight, and overall health can affect this rate. Alcohol is primarily broken down in the liver through a multi-stage process that converts the alcohol to acetaldehyde and then to other less harmful substances.
Alcohol is eliminated from the body at a variable rate, but an average figure would be around 0.015 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) per hour. However, this figure can significantly vary, as factors like age, sex, weight, and overall health can affect how quickly your body metabolizes alcohol. For example, women typically metabolize alcohol slower than men.
The metabolic reactions lead to the production of acetaldehyde, a toxic compound, but the body quickly converts this into other, less harmful substances which can then be eliminated. This process involves an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase, which is found in the liver.
On top of this, about 95% of alcohol is broken down in the liver, with the remaining 5% expelled from the body through breath, urine, and sweat.
Excessive bleeding during menstrual periods is known as menorrhagia, which is the third option in which the excessive bleeding occurs, resulting in blood loss in some cases, a feeling of weakness, and so on.
It occurs in the menstrual cycle when the female faces heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, which can be due to various factors such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, or a side effect of certain medications. Heavy bleeding can lead to anemia so they must check and visit their healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.
Hence, excessive bleeding during menstrual periods is known as menorrhagia, which is the third option in which the excessive bleeding occurs, resulting in blood loss in some cases, a feeling of weakness, and so on.
Find out more about menorrhagia here.