Which category is not one of the major responsibilities of state government A. corrections

B. economic development

C. Electric power

D. Law enforcement


Answer 1


Explanation: It’s not required by the state you have to pay for your own.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer to your question will be Electric power

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D) Why should anyone care about the restless soul hidden inside him, or dream that Peter was in his own obscure way, a sort of genius?



HELP ASAP 15 POINTS!United States vs. Macedonia (1812)
How large were the forces engaged in the battle? (For a land battle this should be the number and
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Answer:Naval combat in the Age of Sail, which lasted from the 16th to mid-19th century, may seem strange to the modern eye. Sailing ships were virtually floating villages, with the largest ships of the line armed with more artillery than some armies. Because of a ship’s dependence on the wind for propulsion, combat often resembled a deadly dance between combatants, which could disintegrate into a bloody close-range brawl.

It is important to understand the different types of warship that plied the waves during this period, which applies to both the American Revolution and War of 1812. The largest naval vessels were the ships of the line and often classified by the British rating system: first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate. These slow and heavily armed ships would form the core of a battle line and exchange fire with their similarly sized adversaries.

The third-rate formed the backbone of many navies, especially the British, and usually mounted seventy-four guns on three decks, with a crew of up to 700 men. The largest, first-rates, were massive in terms of size and firepower. The most famous example, HMS Victory, Admiral Nelson’s flagship at Trafalgar, mounted 104 cannon, firing a broadside weight of 1,148 pounds, and needed a crew of 800 to fight and sail.

During the American Revolution and War of 1812, the large fleet battles of Europe were rare, with combats between smaller Frigates, Sloops, and Brigs far more common. These ships were not designed to fight on the line, but were used as “cruisers” because of their speed, maneuverability, and range. They were often allowed to cruise independently, searching for enemy targets of opportunity, or attached to large fleets as scouts, pickets, and couriers. Many of the most famous actions of both wars were duels between these smaller, yet deadly, ships.


Why did we need a new constitution?


The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. ... Under America's first governing document, the Articles of Confederation, the national government was weak and states operated like independent countries. hopes this helps :)
Americans felt uncertain about whether the Constitution would be an improvement over the Articles of Confederation, the nation’s first government. But some, like the mechanics and manufacturers in New York City who wrote this petition to Congress, were thrilled to have a new government that was intended to address the many problems that arose under the Articles. For Constitution Day on September 17, your students can get a sense of the economic problems that existed under the Articles of Confederation by reading this petition from citizens who were directly—and negatively—affected by them. The petitioners explained the economic problems they faced under the Articles, and then expressed their hope and confidence that the new Federal Congress would eighteenth century language to identify the petitioners’ concerns. At the beginning of the petition, the New Yorkers described their elation at the success of the Revolution: “They contemplated this event as the point at which a happy era was to commence, and as the source whence a new system of blessings should spring.” But they quickly realized that the central government under the Articles was too weak to prevent Great Britain from dominating trade. Despite America’s immense resources, attempts at manufacturing new items were hampered by lower British prices. The Articles gave the central government no power to tax the British imports, and the manufacturers in New York and elsewhere discovered that they could not compete: “They soon perceived with the deepest regret, that their prospects of improving wealth were blasted by a system of commercial usurpation, originating in prejudices and fostered by a feeble government.” quickly address them. petitioners believed that they could achieve commercial success if the government could tax imports to make their products comparable in price: “Wearied by their fruitless exertions, your Petitioners have long looked forward with anxiety for the establishment of a government which would have power to check the growing evil, and extend a protecting hand to the interests of commerce and the arts.” The new Constitution allowed them to feel optimistic about their chances for future economic success: “Such a government is now established. On the promulgation of the Constitution, just now commencing its operations, your Petitioners discovered in its principles the remedy which they had so long and so earnestly desired.” The petitioners then stated to Congress their confidence that it would act to resolve the problem they had described: “To your Honorable Body the Mechanics and Manufacturers of New York look up with confidence, convinced, that, as the united voice of America has furnished you with the means, so your knowledge of our common wants has given you the spirit to unbind our fetters and rescue our country from disgrace and ruin.”The petitioners were correct to be confident in the new government—the second act passed by the First Congress was for the taxation of imports (“An Act for laying a duty on goods, wares, and merchandises imported into the United States, as introduced in the Senate,” May 18, 1789, from the Records of the U.S. Senate, seen above). (The first act was for an oath of office.) This act answered the New Yorkers call, and established support for a government strong enough to protect its own business.

Check ALL that contributed to the chaos in the South following the Civil WarQuestion 4 options:

no courts, postal service or law enforcement

lost generation of white Southern men who had died or were severely injured

millions of freed black Southerners

desire to forgive and forget those who had not supported slavery​


Answer: It is A, B and C.

Explanation: I took test and got right, also I have link to notes my teacher gave us.


On page 4 at bottom.


How has globalization changed supply chains for the United States? A. Agriculture has become a larger part of the U.S. economy. B. Social media has made communication faster and easier. C. The manufacturing process takes place in multiple places around the world. D. Manufacturing has grown in the United States because of foreign markets.



The correct answer is C. Due to globalization, the manufacturing process takes place in multiple places around the world.


Globalization is the process by which countries have interconnected their economies and their markets thanks to the development of the mass media and advances in transportation, which have made today move from one side of the world to the other. be a matter of just hours. As a consequence, international trade has grown enormously, and world economies have begun a process of interconnection that has linked international markets with each other.

In this context, the United States, as the world's leading economic power, has begun to carry out a process of investment and participation in foreign economies, through the private investment of American companies promoted by the federal government itself, which It has generated a certain dependence of many of these countries on American investments. In turn, this process has allowed America to dissociate itself from certain inefficient productions, transferring these productive circuits to countries with cheaper labor such as China, Vietnam or Pakistan.

Please answer asapHow did the Phoenicians’ willingness to travel far for trade eventually lead to the spread of their civilization?



Because they spread their culture to the people they traded with and they established new colonies.


Phoenicians were a group of people who settled on the coast of Mediterranean sea between the year 1550 BCE and the year 300 BCE. It was because of their willingness to travel that they could spread their civilisation in many parts of the world. They travelled across the seas for trade and they spread their culture to the people that they traded with and they established colonies far from their homeland.

They came into contact with many other cultures who borrowed their ideas and customs