James Oglethorpe wanted to make one of England's Southern Colonies into a haven for English debtors.
James Edward Oglethorpe was a British soldier, Member of Parliament, and philanthropist, as well as the one who founded the colony of Georgia.
Oglethorpe along with a group of associates, many of whom was on the prison committee, requested in 1730 to form the Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America.
The United States should have attacked more forcefully at the outset to win the war quickly.
The Vietnamese should seek assistance from nations that were closer.
The United States was interfering in another nation’s civil war.
The United States was interfering in another nation’s civil war.
The Vietnam war was a civil war fought in the asian countries of North Vietnam and Vietnam, was an undeclared war from 1955 to 1975, a war that lasted 19 years and that had both sides of the conflcit suported by communists and anti-communists countries, it ended with the Paris Peace Accords and the result was North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia becoming communists countries, these three were backed up by China, and the USSR, while south vietnam was backed up by USA, Australia, the Phillipines and other anti-communists allies.
due to the nuclear weapons being so radioactigve and capable of wiping out entire states, this plan was risky because we didn't want these weapons to accidently go off or land in the wrong hands.
this was terrifying to think about because of the possible WWIII that could come or could not come.
c. Indonesia.
b. Manchuria.
d. Australia
In the early 19th century, south carolina protested what it believed to be a violation of its rights by threatening to secede from the Union.
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. South Carolina adopted the Declaration of the Immediate Causes to induce and justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union on December 24, 1860, following a Ordinance of Secession adopted December 20. All of the violations of the alleged rights of Southern states stated in the document pertain to slavery.