Where can you find the phrase "to insure domestic tranquility?
The preamble to the constitution.
Answer: A recession
The business cycle is the name given to the rise and fall in production output in goods. This is usually measured in terms of GDP.
A peak represent the best moment in output of a particualr good or service after a period of expansion. Expansion was traditionally associated with population growth and the rise of consumerism. More recently, expansion is associated with debt from credit cards, mortgages and loans. After this expansion reaches a peak, it is usually followed by a period of recession.
Your answer should be supported with textual evidence.
The author uses the phrase “candid world” to refer to the intended audience—the rest of the countries of the world. In this context, the term candid means honest or sincere. The author chose the word candid to appeal to the honesty or morality of the audience so that they can see the logic in the list of reasons provided in the document. By describing the audience as honest and sincere, the author may expect the audience to regard the reasons as honest facts.
Answer the leaders serve as spokespersons for their party's positions on issues. ... Elected at the beginning of each Congress by members of their respective party conferences to represent them on the Senate floor, the majority and minority leaders serve as spokesmen for their parties' positions on the issues.
hope this helps
Germamy was divided into communist and non-communist zone