Which American colony was the first to have a government with elected representatives?Georgia
New Jersey


Answer 1
Answer: Virginia was the first American colony to have a gov.
Answer 2
Answer: Virginia with the House of Burgesses!

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D. 24

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How did the plebeians gain power in the republic for what changes were they responsible


They gained power by going on strike from serving in the army and left Rome to create their own government..

The changes: They were allowed to form the Council of Plebs and elect their own officials, become consuls, and pass laws.

Final answer:

The plebeians, once considered Rome's lower class, slowly amassed power in the Roman Republic through political changes and reforms, including the establishment of the Council of Plebs, the creation of the Twelve Tables of law, and securing the right to stand for the office of consul.


The plebeians, originally Rome’s general populace, gradually gained power in Ancient Rome's republic through a series of political and social changes. One notable change was the establishment of the 'Council of the Plebs' around 494 BC. This was a result of a 'plebeian strike' where they refused to serve in the military until they were given political representation. The Council held legislative authority and had the power to pass laws that applied not just to the plebeians, but to all Romans.

Another significant development involved the creation of the 'Twelve Tables' around 450 BC. These were written laws that laid out legal rights and responsibilities for all Romans, thereby reducing patrician control over legal interpretation. Furthermore, plebeians gained the right to stand for the office of consul, the highest position in the Roman Republic, through the 'Lex Licinia Sextia' in 367 BC.

Thus, plebeians increased their power in the republic by securing political representation, legislating laws, gaining legal transparency, and securing the ability to occupy the highest political office. These changes reflect the plebeians' struggle to achieve social equality and justice against the ruling patrician class.

Learn more about Plebeian Rise in Power here:



Please help and explain. Please hurry the question is on the picture


Hi ! 
So the answer would not be
grid wheel streets, those first appeared in India I believe and Writing phonetic alphabet started in the middleast are and in Eqypt...

They were Monotheistic, but that didn't contribute to the civilization itself..

So your answer is 

the wheel
I believe it is A because the Mesopotamians brought about the building of cities. Hope i helped.

How did the sinking of the USS Maine help cause the Spanish-American War?


The sinking of USS Maine helps the Spanish American war to come to an end.


The USS Maine is the second class battleship was sent to  Havana where the war between Cubans and Spanish-American going. This incident happens on Feb15,1898.

The USS Maine went there to save the Spanish-American. The war starts on the purchase of Louisiana. Spain was blamed by Americans.

As the war came to an end and Cuba became the independent island but still, there are few issues going on this island.

Contrast Eisenhower's attitude toward new social legislation with his approach to existing programs. What act of his presidency led to the largest public works project in American history?


Eisenhower had faced many obstacles both at home and abroad.  In foreign affairs, he tried to propose disarmament with the Russians to prevent the escalation of nuclear war but at the same time, he also promoted programs that built-up space and science explorations to stay a head of the space race.  He recognized China but protected Taiwan.  He also enforced anti-segregation policies at home in education, government service and the military. One of his biggest social projects was the building of the interstate highway which made it easier to travel and transport goods from place to place.