When you look at the images from the movie and the printed pictures , the ideas you have about it could be different from someone else's ideas because .... Answers .... 1) you were not looking at the same pictures as someone else ? 2) what you see can be different because you speak a different language ? 3) everything is open to multiple interpretations? 4) nothing ever looks the same online as it does face-to-face


Answer 1


3) everything is open to multiple interpretations


Different people may have different interpretations about something. This is normal because everything is open to multiple interpretations. So a photograph, a book, a movie, or anything else may have a meaning for me other than what it would mean to you. What is important is that everyone respects each other's interpretations and that these multiple interpretations generate a healthy debate about different ideas and thoughts.

Answer 2
Answer: I think the answer is 3) everything is open to multiple interpretations

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Metacognition refers to


Metacognition is defined as"thinking about thinking” or can be “knowing about knowing”.  It higher pertains to high order thinkingallowing control and engagement in cognitive tasks and learning. It consents peopleto activities like organization, approaching a task, observing understandingand evaluation of progress on tasks. Some of this includes declarativeknowledge – the ability to know one's abilities, procedural knowledge conditionalknowledge by the usage of approaches in acquiring info.

Final answer:

Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.


Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.

For example, a student using metacognition might ask themselves questions like 'Do I understand this concept?' or 'Am I studying effectively?'. By reflecting on their own thinking, students can identify areas where they might need to seek additional help or adjust their study strategies.

Metacognitive strategies can be useful across all subjects and grade levels as they help improve learning and critical thinking skills. By using metacognition, students can become more independent learners and better at evaluating their own progress and understanding.

Learn more about Metacognition here:



What is procrastination?


Avoiding doing something by making yourself busy with other things.
Pushing off things that have to be done

Choose the correct singular, third person, conjugation of the verb to be in the future perfect tense


The singular, third person conjugation of the verb 'to be' in the future perfect tense is - will have been. 

What do I Have to do to Become a Marine biologist Or Attorney​


Answer: Marine Biologist

1. “Get your feet wet!”

Most conservation researchers—marine or otherwise—are driven to pursue their career out of an authentic love for and curiosity about the natural world. It’s never too early to cultivate this type of appreciation for your surroundings. Get outside, be inquisitive and never let the walls of the classroom be the boundaries of your education!

2. Show your passion for science and Marine Biology

By getting involved in science courses and extracurricular scientific activities as early as high school, you stand a better chance of becoming a marine biologist in the long run.

3. Research colleges that offer Marine Biology as a major

4. Build your Marine Biology resume

During and shortly after college, find opportunities that allow you to build your marine biology resume: internships, jobs, research assistantships, summer courses, fellowships

5. Pursue a graduate degree in Marine Biology

Explanation: Attorney

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree

Step 2: Take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

Step 3: Earn Your Juris Doctor (J.D.) Degree

Step 4: Consider Participating in a Clerkship

Step 5: Pass Your State Bar Examination

Q1: To turn over a new leaf [Railways, 1995]A) To change completely one’s course of action. B) To shift attention to new problems after having studied the old ones thoroughly. C) To cover up one’s fault by wearing new marks. D) To change the old habits and adopt new ones.

Q2: A fair crack of the whip

A) Severe punishment B) A good luck check C) A period of importance D) Failure of administration

Q3: To talk one’s head off

A) To talk loudly B) Talk in whispers C) To talk to oneself D) Talk excessively

Q4: To wrangle over a donkey's shadow [SBI PO 1984]

A) Act in a foolish way B) To quarrel over trifles C) Waste time on petty things D) To do something funny.



Q1: To turn over a new leaf [Railways, 1995]

Answer: A) To change completely one’s course of action.

Q2: A fair crack of the whip

Answer: B) A good luck check

Q3: To talk one’s head off

Answer: D) Talk excessively

Q4: To wrangle over a donkey's shadow [SBI PO 1984]

Answer: B) To quarrel over trifles

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