What what
It is a bacterioptrage.
It undergoes a lysogenic cycle.
It does not contain a viral envelope.
It does not kill host cells after infection.
The correct option is : It undergoes a lysogenic cycle.
A virus can replicate inside a host cell by two process :
In the lytic cycle, the viral DNA makes copies of itself and manufactures the viral machinery inside the host cell. Eventually, the host cell bursts causing the release of the viruses. In such a condition the varicella virus would cause chicken pox.
In the lysogenic cycle, the DNA of a virus get incorporated into the DNA of the host. The viral DNA might replicate when conditions become favourable and cause diseases. In such a condition, the varicella virus would cause shingles.
A) Condensation
B) Evaporation
D) Melting
Answer:the unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce