words such as because , since, while, before , during after and instead of can link independent clauses or phrases and are called


Answer 1
Answer: Words such as because, since, while, before, during, after, and instead of can link independent clauses or phrases and are called conjunctions. 

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I believe they had the same objective- to obtain equal rights for blacks, but it's how they did it that was different. Martin Luther King Jr. was a strongly believed that peace was the way, whereas Malcolm X used violence.


King and Malcolm X have a similar objective, which is achieving racial equality for African Americans. In King's speech, he promoted non-violent and peaceful protests. While Malcolm wants African Americans to use violence to reach equality.

Use the notes to write a short story untitled "A train accident" . Use the notes below as well as yout own ideas (100-120 words).PLAN
 (para 1 ) early Friday afternoon - train station - Tony Smith - look forward to visiting brother in Leeds
Main Body 
(Para 2) Tony sit - confortable carriage - half an hour later - hear laud explosion - train stop - people cough crawl towards door
(Para 3) bang from outside - door break open - firefighters help people out
(para 4) Tony shocked but happt - safe at last


It was early afternoon on Friday of the 26th of November. Tony Smith was resting on a train station bench with his luggage, leaning back, eyes closed, just catching a light nap before his train pulled into the station. He was looking forward to visiting his older brother and staying the weekend at his mansion in Leeds. 

The conductor begins to yell, announcing as the train pulls into the station with a screech and a loud whistle. Tony jumped up, grabbed his luggage and boarded the train quickly with the rest of the passengers. He made his way to a comfortable carriage that was only occupied by both himself and an elderly couple. Tony settled down and put his luggage down as the train jolted and began to roll away from the station. He watched the scenery flash by out his window, quite content. However, that did not last long. No less than thirty minutes had passed when there was a  loud noise, a bang, almost like the front of the train had exploded. It screeched to a stop as smoke poured in through cracks, under doors and past windows. 

Tony panicked and hit the ground, crawling toward the door of his carriage, coughing. He could hear the other passengers making their way to the exits quickly as possible, rounds of coughing heard on all sides. Tony managed to slide the door open, and he and the elderly couple made for the nearest exit, crawling on their hands and knees... but no one could get the exit doors to budge. 

Quite suddenly there were loud crashes coming from numerous exit doors, firefighters poured in and began to assist people out of the smoked and burning train. Much to Tony's relief, he and the elderly couple made it out into the open air and he collapsed on the grass, happy to be safe. He supposed he wasn't going to make it to Leeds in time for dinner with his brother... 

Which of the following sentences avoids a split infinitive? he seemed to little care about her feelings. our mission is to boldly go where no man has gone before. she seemed to understand the problem completely. i would like to quickly go to the store.



She seemed to understand the problem completely.


The infinitive 'to understand' is not split by any descriptors.

Failing to accurately cite even a single source A. will certainly cause problems with the logic of the essay.
B. isn't an error that will cause problems for the author.
C. can result in accusations of plagiarism.
D. will definitely result in errors with other citations.


Failing to accurately cite even a single source can (C) result in accusations of plagiarism. If the source is not cited, then a person can think that the information was copied and pasted onto the document and not given credit to. The person writing the paper needs to put topics into their own words.




Letters of inquiry and invitations to company-sponsored events are what type of letter?a. Neutral Page
b. Sales
c. Negative
d. Response


Final answer:

Letters of inquiry and company-sponsored event invitations are examples of sales letters, meant for promoting a business, a product, or a service.


Letters of inquiry and invitations to company-sponsored events are examples of a Sales type of letter. These letters are primarily used to promote a business, a product, or a service.

A letter of inquiry in the business context is to solicit information about products or services. Invitations to company-sponsored events serve as a way to strengthen relationships with clients, potential clients, and even employees while subtly promoting the company's image or product.

A sales letter is a piece of direct mail which is designed to persuade the reader to purchase a particular product or service in the absence of a salesman or saleswoman . It has been defined as "A form of direct mail in which an advertiser sends a letter to a potential customer."

It is distinct from other direct mail techniques, such as the distribution of leaflets and catalogues, as the sales letter typically sells a single product or product line, and further tends to be mainly textual as opposed to graphics-based, although video sales letters have become increasingly popular.

It is typically used for products or services which, due to their price, are a considered purchase at medium or high value (typically tens to thousands of dollars).

A sales letter is often, but not exclusively, the last stage of the sales process before the customer places an order, and is designed to ensure that the prospect is committed to becoming a customer.

Learn more about Sales Letters here:



Which of the following uses word choices to convey the social standing of the narrator in the short story “Black Ball”?“I noticed his hands had been scarred as though they had been burned.”
“He was looking down at his outstretched hands as he talked.”
“The boy had a good appetite so I did not have to make him eat.”
“When they did have something to say to us, they became familiar.”


The sentence I would choose is: "He was looking down at his outstretched hands as he talked". To me, it implies that he cannot look into the eyes of the person he is speaking to, as if he doesn't feel he is worthy.

The answer is: “When they did have something to say to us, they became familiar.”

“The Black Ball” by Ralph Ellison the narrator, John, is conscious that he is not treated like an equal, however, he still has hope in his life. He wants to transmit this to his son, that the identity is not dictated by the skin color. At the setting time of the history the black people did not have the same right that the white people, despite this, John keep fighting to achieve the American dream.