Bullying is very common among school aged children. It is unwanted and aggressive behavior from a person to another. It deals with real or perceive power imbalance. When a person is being hurt intentionally or on a purpose repeatedly by words or actions, it is bullying. There are different types of bullying behaviors, which can be classified into three: Physical, Verbal and Social.
Physical Bullying: This involves harming a person or stealing their possessions. Physical bullying includes:
Verbal Bullying: this involves writing or saying mean things. Verbal Bullying includes:
Social Bullying: this involves hurting someone relationship or reputation. It is also referred to as rational bullying. Social bullying includes:
Why do people bully?
What we should to stop or help the bullies?
Explanation: bonjour is hello for french, hallo is germen, hola is spanish,
My room is a rectangle shape like most other rooms. I have two doors. One to the living room and another to the backyard. I have my bed on the opposite wall from those two doors. Next to the backyard door I have an L-shape desk. I have a full pc setup and a computer. I put these two because I do a lot of work on them. My computer is all for school work and any type of work I may need. My Pc is for playing video games because it takes stress away. On the next wall I have a window and two wall decorations. I don't have a reason as to why its their but it looks good. Next wall is my bed as I said and next to it is a small cabinet and some shelfs above that with some items I put like a blue stitch from Lilo & Stitch. On the next wall I have a pretty long cabinet with my clothes. I out it in that wall because that's the only place it'd make sense to. Next to that is the door to the living room.
Just how it is lol
Answer: Gopal Prasad Rimal (गोपाल प्रसाद रिमाल) नेपाली साहित्यमा प्रगतिवादी र क्रान्तिकारी कवि र लेखकका रूपमा प्रसिद्ध थिए। उनको जीवनीको संक्षिप्त परिचय यस्तो छ:
उनको जन्म १९७५ सालको जेठ १८ गते काठमाडौँको लगनटोलमा भएको हो।
उनको पहिलो कविता “प्रति” १९३२ सालमा मासिक पत्रिका "शारदा"मा प्रकाशित भएको थियो।
उनले प्रजा पंचायत नामक सृजनात्मक संस्था स्थापना गरेर, राणा शासनलाई विरुद्धको आन्दोलनमा सहभागी हुनुहुन्थ्यो।
१९५०-५२ को प्रजातन्त्रीय आन्दोलनमा महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाएर, संघीय प्रजातन्त्रीय सरकारमा महासचिवको पदमा काम गरेका हुन्।
उनको कविता, नाटक, कथा, निबन्ध, समालोचना, आत्मकथा, यात्रावृत्त आदि विभिन्न विधामा सृजना गरेका हुन्।
उनले छन्दमा लेख्ने परम्परालाई तोडेर, गद्यमा कविता लेखेका हुनाले, उनी क्रान्तिकारी कविका रूपमा पनि परिचित हुन्।
१९७३ सालको कार्तिक ८ गते काठमाडौँमा मनस्रोवर होस्पिटलमा मृत्यु हुनुहुन्थ्यो।
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