b. sailed west to new land.
c. migrated north.
d. developed new hunting techniques.?
a. moved east and south.
What is today the arid, hot and inhospitable Sahara desert, in North Africa, was a region of savannas and leafy meadows with some forests and the home of hunters and gatherers who lived from a variety of animals and plants, supported by lakes permanent and large amounts of rainfall.
A study in which Dr. Pausata of the University of Stockholm participated analyzed past rainfall and concluded that human hunters and gatherers who populated the green Sahara abandoned it about 8,000 years ago due to a drought period that lasted 1,000 years.
B. A theory explaining the cause of the Civil War
C. Political, social, and economic disputes between regions
D. Political differences as defined by political parties
E. A simple definition of the Mason-Dixon Line
B. America was a much richer country than Britain so they should pay for it.
C. They could not get the French to pay for it.
D. They felt they had defeated the French and their citizens were paying five times more in taxes the Americans.
Women formed suffrage groups
Back in the the Gilded Age, women and men did not have the same civil rights and women were usually mistreated and discriminated against, in different levels of society. During the Gilded Age many women united to adress these problems, and played an important role in abolitionist social activism groups that fought for their right to vote, among other important things.
the answer for this question is option b