Korea and Indochina were two regions that the Eisenhower administration used Brinkmanship Effectively.
First of all, Brinkmanship is the act of taking advantage of a situation of possible conflict by carrying on different strategic movements suggesting an imminent act of war without executing it. For example, Russia surrounding its border with nuclear incredibly fast missiles. Or the NATO establishing bases around the Russian border to prevent an outbreak.
Second, the cold war sides were the western and eastern blocks. Russia and Poland were active western block members of the Eastern bloc that was composed by The U.S. under Eisenhower administration. However, some countries weren't part of the block but that the Eisenhower administration skipped confrontation by performing brinkmanship. Korea, Vietnam, Indochina, and Cuba were a few of them. But, the Eisenhower administration only used brinksmanship against Korea and Indochina, because they confronted them indirectly during the Eisenhower administration.
c) The remains of plants and animals, now turned into fossils, have been discovered.
The discovery of remains of ancient plants and animals which has turned into fossils was an indicator to the archaeologists and paleontologists about the Baynunah formation in the area.
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Nombre con que se designa al conjunto de comunidades religiosas cristianas surgidas de la Reforma Protestante iniciada por Lutero en el S.XVI.
El nombre que se les dio es "Protestantismo."
Fue precisamente el monje alemán Martin Lutero quien en el siglo XVI escribió su ensayo titulado "95 Tesis." En ese ensayo, Lutero criticaba fuertemente al Papa y a la iglesia Católica por vender indulgencias que garantizaban el perdón de los pecados de los feligreses. Eso comenzó la gran división o cisma de la inglesa en el siglo XVI. El resultado fue el surgimiento de otras doctrinas protestantes.
b.More people with medical problems arrived at Angel Island.
c.Most people who arrived at Angel Island had relatives in America.
d.More immigrants processed at Ellis Island were turned away.