Identify each of the following as either a physical change or a chemical change. Explain your answers.A. a piece of wood is sawed in half.
B. milk turns sour.
C. melted butter solidifies in the refrigerator.


Answer 1
Answer: A. physical
B. Chemical 
Answer 2


A would be Physical

B would be Chemical

and C would be Physical


A would be physical because the wood is physically changing

B would be chemical because it's still milk but it now had clumps called curds and a very sour taste

C would be physical because the melted butter is physically changing from melted butter to solid butter.

Hope this helps.

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atomic mass=percentage of isotope a * mass of  isotope a + percentage of isotope b * mass of  isotope b+...+percentage of isotope n * mass of isotope n.

mass of isotope₁=267.8 u
percentage of isotope₁=90.3%

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percentage of isotope₂=9.7%


atomic mass=(0.903)(267.8 u)+(0.097)(270.9 u)=
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A substance that does not conduct electricity as a solid but does conduct electricity when melted is most likely classified as(1) an ionic compound
(2) a molecular compound
(3) a metal
(4) a nonmetal


Answer: Option (1) is the correct answer.


An ionic compound is the compound which is composed of oppositely charged ions.

When an ionic compound is in a solid state, then oppositely charged ions are held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction. To break is force of attraction, high energy is required. That is why, ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as a solid.

Whereas in melted state, the ions are less tightly held and as a result they can move easily  from one place to another. Also in melted state, ionic compounds act as strong electrolyte. Hence, they are able to conduct electricity.

On the other hand, molecular compounds are poor conductors of electricity and non-metals do not conduct electricity. Whereas a metal is a good conductor of electricity even in its solid state.

Thus, we can conclude that a substance that does not conduct electricity as a solid but does conduct electricity when melted is most likely classified as an ionic compound.

Ionic compunds are able to conduct electricity when molten/in solution, but not when they are solid

Which best describes nuclear fission


Nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or radio active decay process in which nucleus (the center) of an atom splits into smaller parts called nuclei. This is an extremely exothermic reaction (i.e a reaction which produces heat) resulting into release of massive amount of energy in the form of heat and sometimes light. The reaction produces much more energy as compared to a similar mass of a conventional fuel, such as Petrol/Kerosene/Petroleum Gas etc. This makes Nuclear fission an extremely dense and at times very destructive source of energy. Some common elements capable of Nuclear fission are Uranium, Plutonium etc. Though in modern days Nuclear Fission are finding application in being a source of energy (such as a Nuclear power plant), but they are also used in destructive format as Nuclear Bombs and it's one of the top most imminent threats to the existence of humanity in future (in the event of a Nuclear war).
couldnt you just put the answers itd be a lot easier to answer for you like that

some antacid products contain aluminium hydroxide al(oh)₃ to neutralize excess stomach acid. what volume of 0.10 mol/l stomach acid, hcl, can be neutralized by 912 mg of aluminum hydroxide. the reaction is shown: 3 hcl al(oh)₃ -> alcl₃ 3h₂o


Antacid products contain aluminum hydroxide al(oh)3 to neutralized by 912 mg of aluminum

Of the elements Na, C, Si, and P, which is a metal?a. Na
b. C
c. Si
d. P


Answer: Option (a) is the correct answer.


A metal is a substance which loses electron(s) in order to attain stability.

For example, sodium is an alkali metals with atomic number 11 and its electronic distribution is 2, 8, 1.

So, in order to attain stability sodium will readily lose 1 electron and forms Na^(+) ion.

Whereas non-metals are the substances which gain electron(s) in order to attain stability.

For example, atomic number of carbon is 6 and its electronic configuration is 2, 4.

To attain stability a carbon atom shares it 4 valence electrons with another atom.

Thus, we can conclude that out of the given options, Na is a metal.

a. Na - Sodium

Sodium is an alkali metal in Group 1A of the periodic table.  Metals are found in groups 1A, 2A, and 3A, along with the transition and inner transition metals.