happily because she takes care of younger children
It was because both the inventors of the products had to face rivalry when promoting their products. In order for their products to hit the market with excellent sales reports, both the inventors had to make an effort show off. Both inventors refined their products to make better versions and make them successful in the market.
There are a number of actions that you can take that will help you to manage your emotions. Many of them are very general, but try them because you may just find that they work.
Exercise: this releases reward and pleasure chemicals in the brain such as dopamine, which makes you feel better. Being fit also makes you healthier, which helps in managing emotions.
Be kind to others, because this helps stop you worrying about yourself.
Be open and accept what is going on around you. Learn to appreciate what is happening and avoid excessive criticism of others or of situations. This is linked to mindfulness, which is about being aware of what is going on in the moment.
It’s good to talk. Spend time with other people and enjoy their company.
Distract yourself. Yes, you really are that shallow. Watching a bit of TV, reading, or surfing the internet will probably help you forget that you were feeling a bit down.
Don’t give in to negative thinking. If you find yourself having negative thoughts, then challenge them by looking for evidence against them.
Spend time outside. Being in the fresh air, especially around nature, is very helpful for calming the emotions. There is evidence that we need to see horizons, so if you can go up a hill and look at the view then do.
Be grateful. Thank people in person for doing nice things for you, and remember it.
Play to your strengths. That often means doing things that you enjoy, but it also involves doing things that are good for you.
Notice the good things in your life. In old-fashioned terms, count your blessings.
(Could you give me Brainliest if I helped)
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Anne Frank and the 7 others hiding with her in early July 1942, after Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany. Where she was basically going to die. Anne Frank's family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank's business, located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. They hid in the attic because it was unsuspected. They had to hide to hide because they were Jewish. They were basically rated out by someone who heard them in the attic. The person then asked Miep for money to hide the secret. The person was believed to tell the Nazis. They were then captured and told to bring what would only fit in a sack. Their attic or hiding spot was then ransacked. Everyone was broken up, including the people that helped hide them. They were taken to prison camps. For some it was there final destination, for others it was a bump in their life. Anne, her sister, and her mom sadly died shortly after from an overnight cold. Killing them all with in hours.
Miss Stevens our tour guide hoped to visit the new war memorial.
Miss Stevens our tour guide, hoped to visit the new war memorial.
Miss Stevens, our tour guide, hoped to visit the new war memorial.