What Native American tribes lived in the area of the Louisiana Purchase? List at least five.


Answer 1


Adai, Alabama or Alibamu, Apalachee, Muskogee Creek, Avoyel, Bayogoula, Tunica - Biloxi, Caddo, Chatot, Chawasha,


and more

Answer 2


Adai, Alabama/Alibamu, Apalachee, Avoyel, Bayogoula, Tunica - Biloxi, Caddo, Chatot, Chawasha,


There are more but here are a few off the top of my head

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This is true.

There are many rewarding sides to family. For example, if you have some problems, you can talk to your family members and they can help you feel better and solve your problems.
Because of this, many people find marriage and family rewarding.

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An electronic petition is a message that asks supporters to "sign" their names electronically to a request that is going to a government official. 

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People usually change drastically over the years. They acquire new interests, new hobbies, new behaviors, new friends, new loves and even go to new locations. Life is ever changing and ever moving. Elementary school becomes a distant memory only for most of us.

True.  Many of us acquire friends at a young age.  As we keep in touch with our friends, our bond with them gets stronger.  Even as we change with age, it doesn’t change the fact that they will always be with us through the years.

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C.Political persecution
D.Religious Persecution


A is the correct answer.

Choose EITHER Judaism OR Hinduism and describe its origin, major principles, and how it affected existing laws, social practices, or culture. Also describe whether and how the religion influenced other societies.


Origin:Judaism beganwith Abraham, a prophet in the Old Testament which became famous as the Fatherof all nations as Yahweh blessed him with this gift for his faith. Here,Yahweh, revealed Himself to him and then there started the proclamation thatthere is only one God, Yahweh.  (Genesis12:15)

The Torahbooks (Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers)
The TenCommandments of Yahweh.

Political,Social and Cultural context:
Mostly, theTen Commandments in which “Thou shalt not kill, steal, covet, adultery and bearfalse witness” are some of the fundamental laws in the society nowadays, thoughwe can’t refer this significant laws as hinged to the Ten Commandments. They arestill likely similar in some natural aspects in today’s society. If you murder orrape someone you get arrested, if you take something that is not your own, youget arrested too.
The goldenrule. Most people or cultures in our existing community might say, ever heardof the golden rule? Well, it came from the Jewish laws in the Old testamentwhich says that “an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth” Exodus 21:24 and “Loveothers as yourself” Leviticus 19:18. 

Final answer:

Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions without a single founder, offering diverse traditions and beliefs. It shaped the caste system in Indian society and influenced many cultural aspects. Hinduism's dynamic interplay with Buddhism evolved its practices into a more personal form of devotion.


Origins and Major Principles of Hinduism

Hinduism is considered one of the oldest major religions, with its origins tracing back to the ancient Vedic civilizations in India around 3,000 years ago. Unlike other world religions, Hinduism developed without a single founder and is a synthesis of various beliefs and traditions.

The Hindu belief system is broad, encompassing a number of schools of thought and a vast array of rituals and practices. Hindus believe in a supreme divine power that manifests in various forms, including the major incarnations of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, which are sometimes compared to the Christian Trinity. This pluralistic tradition includes a vast body of scripture, notably the Vedas, the Upanishads, and epic narratives like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

Influence on Society and Culture

Hinduism played a pivotal role in shaping Indian society and culture, particularly through the caste system, which organized society into hierarchical groups with specific roles and responsibilities. The caste system deeply influenced the laws, social practices, and daily life in India. Additionally, concepts such as karma and dharma from Hindu philosophy have influenced numerous other societies and religions.

Over time, Hinduism absorbed and was influenced by other traditions, including Buddhism, with which it had a dynamic interplay. This led to the evolution of Hindu practices, making it a more devotional religion that permitted individuals to engage with deities directly, as depicted in the central text of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita.

Learn more about Hinduism here:



MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Choose THREE of the parts of President Johnson's reconstruction plan. 1. Almost all Southerners would be pardoned. 2. Southern states had to treat black equally. 3. Southerners had to accept the end of slavery. 4. Southern governments could control their black citizens however they wanted.


The correct answers are the following.

THREE of the parts of President Johnson's reconstruction plan were 1) Almost all Southerners would be pardoned. 2) Southern states had to treat blacks equally. 3) Southerners had to accept the end of slavery.

After the death of US President Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jhonson became the President. He had a plan for Reconstruction.

The plan was created in May 1865 and mainly included the above-mentioned parts.

However, southerners did not follow up with the plan. They created other kinds of southern legislation such as the Jim Crow laws and the black codes that limited the rights of African Americans.