As rocks and soil become exposed to the elements, they can become weak and wear away from their original location. This is known as erosion. Erosion can be caused by running water, wind, ocean currents, and glacial movement. Plant and animal activity can erode landscapes as well.
Even US President Grant said that the Native American tribes were correct in resisting the "reservation system". He did, however, need to help expand US western growth. His orders to his generals in the West were to force Native Americans on to reservations. He believed this was a must in order to expand settlements and create farmlands and mines. Grant had no choice despite his ideas to avoid conflicts.
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture was a renowned leader of the Haitian Revolution.
In November 1791 his military and political vision were key for the success of the first Black insurrection. He transformed the slave insurgency into a revolutionary campaign and by 1800 Saint-Domingue became the first free colony to reject race as a determinant in social status.
Since Germany won against the Russians. They could send all of their troops and supplies to the western front.